The Voice Of A Savior Who Died For You

The Voice Of A Savior Who Died For You

 Today, I can almost hear the voices. The insults being flung at Jesus as He hung on the cross. The doubters, mockers, and scoffers. The cries of those who loved Jesus and watched with disbelief. The thoughts of the guilty ones hanging alongside of Jesus.  And the words of our suffering Savior from the cross.

“Father, forgive them, for they do know not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34

He knew the plan. The cost. And the outcome. He knew some would follow. He knew some would not. But still, He suffered and paid the price. He offered forgiveness. And He still offers it today. That is the good news of Good Friday. 

Today, there are still doubters and mockers. But there is also, still, the offer of forgiveness. May your heart be open to the Voice of Truth. It is the voice of a Savior who died for you. – Sandi