You Deserve God’s Best

You Deserve God’s Best

 “Don’t settle for anything less than God’s best.” My kids have heard me say that a million times. I wanted them to know that God has a plan. It is not only good, but it is the best thing they can chase after. And shortcuts often lead to heartache. 

That truthful encouragement is one that my heart still needs to remember as well.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23

What we allow into our hearts affects every aspect of our lives. And it is so easy to settle. A little negativity. Popular opinion. Untruths. Fear. Anxiety. Unhealthy relationships. Anger. A critical spirit. And little by little, our hearts are conflicted. And we’ve settled for the tactics of the enemy to keep us discouraged and distracted from the life God has for us.

Don’t settle for anything less than God’s best today. Your heart is the well that the rest of your life will draw from. Be mindful of what is going into the well. Your heart is worth protecting. – Sandi