Your Mind, Heart, And Body Can Find Joy Again.

Your Mind, Heart, And Body Can Find Joy Again.

There is a correlation between what you think and how you feel. Our minds, hearts and bodies are all connected. So, choosing joy can be good medicine for your soul!

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:2

It is so easy to walk through life discouraged, anxious, and waiting for the next shoe to drop. But that only leads to a sense of dread and compounding emotional and physical struggles. 

I don’t think God’s Word is suggesting that we “fake it ‘til we make it.” But I do think He is reminding us of the danger of depression. And the hope found in a healing heart.

If you’re struggling emotionally, you’re probably feeling it in every part of your body and life. Don’t let one more day pass without seeking help. From a friend, your pastor or counselor. Take a courageous step and start your healing journey. It will be good for you. All of you. Your mind, heart, and body will find joy again. And that is good medicine. – Sandi