God Will Use It All…For Good

God Will Use It All…For Good

What if God is doing more than you see or even comprehend? What if He has your past, present and future in mind and will use it all for His glory?  He is writing a bigger story with an eternal plot, and you are part of it.

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50: 20

God’s intentions are good. That is the lens through which you can look at your life with confidence. If all you see are the “not yets,” the unfair, and the painful journey…hold on. God is working. He wastes nothing. He uses it all (including the broken parts) to reveal who He is to a world that needs Him. 

God can use you right where you are. He can shine through your perseverance. Your faith is on display. You may not see it yet, but in time, His loving, patient plot is revealed. God’s intentions and plans can’t be thwarted. He wins. Every time. Victory is coming because He is faithful. – Sandi