Worry Is A Weight You Don’t Need To Carry

Worry Is A Weight You Don’t Need To Carry

Can you imagine going about your day carrying a backpack of rocks? While you shower. Driving to work. Trying to fall asleep at night. All while carrying a load that is heavy and intrusive. Why would you choose to do that? It simply weighs you down and adds stress to your day.    

“ Don’t worry about tomorrow… Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  Mathew 6:34

In other words, don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow.  It makes as much sense as putting added weight in your backpack and wearing it all day.  When we stress out over the future, we are borrowing a burden.  And who wants to add another weight to our plate?  Worry accomplishes nothing except weighing us down. 

So, embrace God’s grace today. Hand over your burdens to Him. And leave tomorrow’s worries where they belong…in the hands of the One who holds you and all of your tomorrows.  – Sandi