

“You shouldn’t wear that pink shirt. It clashes with your hair.” I can still remember who said that to me in 5th grade. That’s why I never wear pink! Some aspects of my memory are great. But remembering the faithfulness of God seems to frequently escape my memory!

After God miraculously allowed His people to cross the Jordan River on dry land, He told the leaders to get stones from the river bed and make a memorial…..a reminder of what God did that day.

“These stones are to be a memorial….forever.” Joshua 4:7

God knows that we are forgetful. Even with the big stuff. Even when God’s power is on display. We need to be reminded. What are your stones of remembrance? Write them down. Reflect on them often. Add to them. If you’re struggling with fear or doubt today, remind yourself of God’s faithfulness in your life. – Sandi