Are You Tired Or Depleted?

Are You Tired Or Depleted?

Are you tired? Or are you depleted? Do you know the difference?  I read something the other day and it has stuck with me. The difference between being tired and depleted is that one is fixed with sleep.  The other isn’t.  

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…so that we will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:1-3

The only remedy for being depleted is to be filled.  How do you battle weariness and depletion? By getting filled up with what your soul needs most. 

I think we all try to do life while spiritually empty. It is so draining. We do more and give away more than we have inside. It is an exhausting way to live. 

If you’re feeling weary or losing hope, how do fill up your soul? Spend a moment with God and allow Him to pour into your heart. Just being in His presence.  Some time in his Word. Time with other believers.  

Don’t lose heart. Don’t grow weary. Refill and run.  – Sandi