What Would Freedom In Your Life Look Like?

What Would Freedom In Your Life Look Like?

 Freedom is possible. In your mind. In your life.

“…the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

What would freedom in your life look like? 

Peace of mind? Less anxiety? Power over addiction? Less shame? Self-control? 

The battle you face may expose your weakness. But you are not in the fight alone. The all powerful one is with you in battle. The victory belongs to Him. And freedom accompanies His presence.

If there are areas in your life that you have been ashamed to invite Jesus into, why not take Him up on His promise? Invite Jesus in. Welcome His presence, His power and His peace. Discover the freedom that He offers. Where the Spirit of the Lord is… there is freedom.  For you! – Sandi

