Treasures Are Often Found In Deep Waters

Treasures Are Often Found In Deep Waters

 Sometimes joy is found in unexpected places. Like a treasure only discovered after a dive into deep waters.

“Consider it pure joy…whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance…so that you may be mature, complete, and not lacking anything.” James 1:2

On the surface joy and trials seem to have nothing in common. But what if joy is a byproduct of “you’re still standing?” You made it through the fire. You’ve not lost hope. You’ve kept fighting, believing, enduring and there’s a sense of joy in that. 

The outcomes you’ve wanted may or may not have happened. But you’re still clinging to a faithful God. Your faith is growing. You have a sturdiness that others long to experience. It has been hard earned, but God has not wasted one trial in your life. He has used it to make you more like Jesus. Consider it pure joy! – Sandi

