He Holds You (And The Victory) In His Hand

He Holds You (And The Victory) In His Hand

Perhaps your heart needs to be reminded. God wins. Every time.

“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord.” Proverbs 21: 30-31

Life isn’t easy. But hold on to hope because victory is coming. He promises.

I love how practical and hopeful this verse is. Nothing can thwart God’s authority or victory.

Relationships. Finances. Physical and emotional struggles. You are not alone in the challenges you face. Stay in the fight. Do all you can to be ready for the battle. And then rest knowing that He has victory in store.

What does battle prep look like for you? Knowing His Word. Surrendering to His plan. Allowing others to stand with you and for you. Then, you’re not only prepared for battle, but you also have peace in the process. He is faithful. He holds victory, and you, in His hand. Every time. -Sandi
