When You Walk With The Wise, You Grow

When You Walk With The Wise, You Grow

 My first prayer as a new believer was for was new friends. I recognized that I needed people in my life that could encourage and help foster my new relationship with God. I still need those kinds of people in my life! You do too.

“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20

Who you “do life with” matters. Your “go to” friends speak into your life. They shape you. If you’re struggling to grow closer to Jesus, do you have wise, Godly friends that help encourage you? Who is pouring into your life and your relationship with Jesus? 

If you want to grow in wisdom and in your faith, then walk with the wise. Find faithful friends. And if you don’t have them yet, then pray. Ask God to bring them into your life. Position yourself to find them as well. Going to church and attending a bible study are great ways to grow in wisdom. 

Walk with the wise. You will grow.  – Sandi

