Your Name, Jesus

Your Name, Jesus

 If I’m being honest, I spend too little time praising God and too much time thinking about what He can do for me. Maybe your heart needs this nudge and reminder too.

“Your name…is the desire of our hearts…In the morning my spirit longs for you…everything we have accomplished you have done for us…Your name alone do we honor.” Isaiah 26:9-13

These verses challenge me. Do I desire God more than anything else? 

I don’t want to chase anything or anyone other than Jesus. When we pursue Him, we won’t be disappointed in outcomes or timelines. We will be satisfied knowing that the King of all creation loves us, forgives us, and has adopted us into His family. He is worthy of our praise. He deserves our attention and gratitude. 

There is only one throne. And only One worthy to sit on it. Today, we bow. We recognize who He is. We acknowledge who we are. And we honor His name alone. – Sandi