Your Faithfulness Matters

Your Faithfulness Matters

 What does it look like for you to walk with God?

“Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord…He walked with God.” Genesis 6:8-9

Long before Noah ever started building a big boat, he walked with God. Before it rained. Before the animals.  Before the fresh start.  Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.  The boat building is what he did.  Faithful is who he was.  He walked with God. That one thing changed the course of his life and many others. 

I don’t know what it looked like for Noah to follow God’s lead. But for us, it probably looks pretty unremarkable. Faithfulness. Humility. Spending time with our Father every day. 

There is no greater thing we can do than walk with God. Everything else is a byproduct. May our Father find us to be faithful.  And may everything else that we do be a reflection of God’s working in our lives. – Sandi