He Is Faithful To Rescue You

He Is Faithful To Rescue You

Even when you’re heading in the wrong direction, God is patient and kind as He pursues your heart. 

“The Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah and he was inside the fish for 3 days
and three nights.” Jonah 1:17

Have you ever thought of the fish as being God’s provision for Jonah? It was a rescue plan. Protection. It is the “where” and “how” that Jonah experienced God’s faithfulness for Himself.  

“The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me…but you brought my life up from the pit…I will sing a song of thanksgiving…” Jonah 2:5-9

God loves you. Even when you make bad choices. He rescues. He provides. Your circumstance may seem difficult or unlikely. But if it is the “where” and “how” that you can experience God’s working in your life? He is faithful. When we see it and when we can’t. He’s faithful. Even when we aren’t. You are in His care today. –Sandi