God Honors Your Wrestling

God Honors Your Wrestling

 Have you ever wrestled with God? I think we all have. Questions. Doubts. Pleading with Him for an answer. But, what if wrestling God may lead to knowing Him better?

Jacob wrestled with God all night and then said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” Genesis 32:24-30

How did God respond? He gave Jacob a new name and blessed him. 

How did Jacob respond? He said, “I saw God face to face.”

Jacob’s wrestling may look different than yours. But his tactic is solid. He wasn’t walking away from God during the struggle. He stayed close. Stayed committed. And God honored the wrestling with a blessing. 

If you have questions, fears, tears…wrestle it out with your Father. Don’t run away. Stay close. Talk it out. Listen to His heart. He will honor the process. And you will get a better glimpse of your Father. – Sandi