Fear Tries To Convince You Of Things That Aren’t True

Fear Tries To Convince You Of Things That Aren’t True

  FEAR is a four-letter word.  It convinces us of things that aren’t true. It paralyzes us. Fear has more of an impact on our lives than we think.

“All the people in the region asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear.  So, He got into the boat and left.” Luke 8:37

What a reminder of the power of fear in our lives.  It can literally try to push Jesus away.  

This passage is a gut check for me.  In what ways have I become so comfortable with fear that I prefer to spend time with it than with Jesus?  

More times than I can count, I would rather worry than pray.  

Let’s call out fear and worry for what it is.  And let’s call on Jesus to invade our minds and hearts with peace and faith. 