Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart 

Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart 

 A few years ago, I was on a mission trip with a JOY FM listener that had recently been diagnosed with cancer.  He shared that cancer taught him a lot about TRUST.  He said, “When you’re fighting for your life and you realize you don’t have the final say, your TRUST in Jesus is a life and death decision.”  

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6.

What does it look like for you trust God with it all? The things that keep you up at night. The relationships that aren’t working like you want. The anxiety. Your kids. Your job. Your fears. 

You can trust God today with it all. Your life and every other matter that is weighing on your heart.  When you trust Him, He straightens things out…with direction ahead of you and peace inside of you. – Sandi