Freedom From Fear

Freedom From Fear

  What are you afraid of? The list may be long, but is there a core fear? Rejection? Loneliness? Failure? 

When I’m fearful, it is helpful for me to identify the root and then place it in my Father’s hands. 

“You did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear,
but you received the Spirit of sonship.” Romans 8:15

Fear is real. And persistent. But it doesn’t have to own your thoughts and rob you of peace. The next time you feel anxiety rising and doubts building, hand it over to your Father. Invite the Holy Spirit to take lead in your mind. As a child of God, His Spirit is within you. He speaks Truth. He reveals the lies of the enemy. He reminds you of your standing with God. And He ushers in peace. May you experience fresh freedom from fear today. – Sandi