Joy Is Found In Unexpected Places

Joy Is Found In Unexpected Places

 More. Joy. I think we all crave it. But where does joy come from? And how do you find more of it in your life? 

“Consider it pure joy whenever you face trials…because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” James 1:2

What does joy have to do with struggling and trials? It seems like such a dichotomy. Joy and Difficulty. But God is showing us that joy is more than a feeling. It is the byproduct of His faithfulness and working in our lives. 

God wastes nothing. He uses everything to reveal His nature and to grow your character. Especially the tough stuff. Where you least expect to find joy. You can still find Him.

If you’re facing a challenging situation today, you can trust that God will be with you and work through it for your good, for His glory and to produce real joy.  

Keep walking. Persevere. Hold on to Jesus. That’s where joy comes from. What a neat “honoring” of the really difficult times in our life…God uses it to produce something beautiful. JOY. – Sandi