The Ears Of God Hear Your Prayers

The Ears Of God Hear Your Prayers

 You are not invisible to God.  At times, it can feel like God is silent, distant, or distracted.  You wonder if your prayers get past the ceiling or do any good.  Here’s some truth for you today:  Your prayers make it to God’s ears.  And He responds to every prayer.

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry.  The righteous cry out and the Lord hears them and delivers them….”Psalm 34:15-17

Whether we “feel” it or not, we can believe it.  God sees you.  He hears you.  And He loves you.  In His perfect time, in His perfect way, He will bring deliverance.  So, keep praying.  Keep believing.  And keep waiting.  You are not invisible.  And neither is His handiwork.  He is faithful.  – Sandi