You Are Engraved On His Hand

You Are Engraved On His Hand

When you think of Jesus’ hands, what comes to mind? If you could see them or hold them today, what would you see? 

“See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” Isaiah 49:16

It is easy to remember the scars on Jesus’ hands. But don’t forget that you, too, have a permanent place on His hands and in His heart. 

I believe this is true: When we look at Jesus’ hands, we see the scars. Because that is the reminder of His great love and sacrifice for us.

But when He looks at His hands, He sees your name and mine.  Because we are why He endured the cross.

If you feel unloved or unseen today, picture Jesus’ hands. The scars. Your name. His love. –Sandi