I Will Carry Hope For You

I Will Carry Hope For You

Hopeless is a strong word. But if we’re honest, we all have times where it seems hope is slipping away. We may not be hopeless, but we are from hopeful. In those times, do you have people in your life who can carry hope for you? People who become a lifeline to the Jesus on your behalf?

There’s a powerful story in Luke 5 about hope carriers. Their friend couldn’t walk. So they did what good friends and hope carriers do…they brought their friend to Jesus.

“They went up to the roof and lowered their friend on his mat…into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith He said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven.” Luke 5:19-20.

I hope you have friends in your life like that. You can count on them for encouragement, truth and to always carry you to the Jesus. Do you need to reach out to a hope carrier in your life today? Are you willing to carry hope for someone today? God honors bold faith like that. – Sandi