He Can Bring Gladness Into Mourning and Praise Into Despair

He Can Bring Gladness Into Mourning and Praise Into Despair

 Have you ever stood in the ocean?  The tide comes in and goes out.  Powerfully. I’ve almost lost my balance when the tide recedes because the force of the water is so strong. I thought of that as I read this verse today:

“..to bestow a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
gladness instead of mourning and praise instead of despair.”
Isaiah 61:3

The tide of this world is strong.  Its’ pull causes us to feel overwhelmed and discouraged.  But we aren’t called to just go with the flow or surrender to the darkness.  God has a better way.  

He is our way.

He changes our perspective and attitude.  He empowers us to stand. Even when the world tries to pull is in a different direction.

 So, if you’re feeling the tug today. Feeling dragged down by the pull. Remember whose you are.  And remember what He can do.  He turns mourning into gladness. He gives you strength to stand and endure really difficult things, with a song of praise. 

I pray that He does that for you today.   – Sandi