Jesus Is The Savior We All Need

Jesus Is The Savior We All Need

 I heard a pastor recently say, “We are really good at convincing ourselves that we’re really good.”  The reminder was…we all need Jesus. 

God not only knows the very worst about us, but he had that in mind, our worst sins and struggles, when he went to the cross.  

“God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners….Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

I need to be reminded of these 2 truths everyday:

I am a sinner in need of a Savior.

God sent Jesus to pay the price for my sin.

God knows you. He really knows you. And He gave His life knowing the worst about you, and me. So, we don’t have to hide from him or work at convincing him to love us. He already does. 

And it isn’t healthy to try to convince ourselves that we don’t need His love or forgiveness. We do.

God gave His best for our worst. And that is really good news. – Sandi