How Do You Carry Both Hurt And Hope?

How Do You Carry Both Hurt And Hope?

Most of my prayers are asking God to take some sort of hurt away.  But I think I’m understanding that “hurt” is part of living in this broken world. 

But it isn’t the only part.  There is also hope. And you can carry both. 

“I remember my trouble and misery…yet this I call to mind and therefore have hope: His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” 
Lamentations 3:19-23

Pain and brokenness are real. But so is God’s faithfulness. If you’re carrying hurt or trouble, remember, you have 2 hands. You can also carry hope. 

His mercy on your life is new every morning.  His Spirit is giving you strength and comfort, even through the struggles. That is how you stand. With hurt in one hand and hope in the other. He is faithful.  – Sandi