The Day God Grabbed My Tongue

The Day God Grabbed My Tongue

  I think God may have actually grabbed my tongue that day! Something very unkind and untrue was said to me.  Instead of defending myself or barking back, I simply said, “God bless you.”

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” Romans 12: 14

I’m thankful that God gave me peace and composure when I was under fire. In all transparency, when I left the situation and was alone, I bawled like a baby, called a friend and thought of all of things I “should have said.” I may have momentarily forgotten the “do not curse” part.  

God protected me from myself that day. He only allowed a blessing to come out of my mouth. And the truth is, that person needed God’s blessing more than my reactive ramblings. 

I pray that you don’t face a similar situation today.  But if you do, may God give you a blessing to share. And a good friend to cry with!  – Sandi