The Lord Is Good. Loving. Faithful 

The Lord Is Good. Loving. Faithful 

  Is there a persistent voice trying to convince you that you’re on the outside looking in at God’s goodness?  Is there a gnawing feeling that something bad is just around the corner?  How do I know?  Because the father of lies whispers in my ear as well.  May this truth drown out all the noise and negativity today:

“The Lord is good, and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through every generation.” Psalm 100:5

If that is true, it can change our perspective.  

He is good.  His love for you is unending. And He can be only and always faithful.  What a great verse to memorize.  I pray that as you sort through the swirling noisy thoughts, you will have an unshakeable confidence in your faithful Father! – Sandi