Austin French Live In Studio | Family, Work-Life Balance, and Powerful New Music

Austin French Live In Studio | Family, Work-Life Balance, and Powerful New Music

It’s not an over-exaggeration when we say Austin French is one of our favorite people! And he was in the studio with the JOY FM Morning Show, talking about his love for his family, balancing work with a busy schedule, and sharing some new and powerful music.

View this video with Austin French, and other interviews with JOY FM artists videos on the JOY FM YouTube Channel.

Austin French:
I’m like the dad and the bleacher’s like, let’s go.

That never occurred to me and my daughter to get on the floor and tussle because I love her. It just never occurred

Austin French:
To me. We have to all put our gloves in. We’re like, we want a clean flight, no low blows and go and we just go. That piece of advice has really changed. My marriage changed being a father and my career.

Well, I have to say, I think we said something that was untrue. I just want to own that. So we said that Austin French was going to be joining us at eight o’clock this morning, correct? That is not true.

So we apologize. We try to be truth speakers around

Here. We try to keep it on the up and up, but sometimes things just happen and so Austin will not be joining us. Eight. He’s joining us now.

Austin French:
Yeah. You guys got me for a minute. I’m like, wait, what time?

Wait a second. What’s going on here?

I’m anybody told you you’re an artist. You’re not supposed to be 20 minutes early

Austin French:
I know. We’re usually 20 minutes late.

So you are heading around the country to radio stations talking about your new project and all that’s going on, and so we get to spend some time with you this morning and this is not just blowing smoke. We love hanging out with you. We were just talking about some of the fun times we have had and at the top of the list has to be, when we were visiting you, we were talking to 20 of our favorite artists for 2020. So we came down to Nashville and we knew that every time you said the word 20, you were going to get your favorite candy, but you didn’t know that.

Austin French:
No idea.

So from your mind, I know how it played out for us, but how did that play out? All of a sudden Candy just started

Austin French:
I was so confused. I was like, where are these peanut m and ms coming in? And then I correlated and I was like, oh, I’m going to use this. At some point I think the whole bowl got dumped into my lap. It was the best.

Yeah, it was a lot of fun. And I don’t know, every time I see you, I just think of Peanut M and msm and that moment the light bulb came on and you’re like, oh yeah, I’m loving

Austin French:
This. 20 20, 20 20, 20 20.

We always have a lot of fun and we got some more surprises in store for you this morning

Austin French:
As well. It’ll be good. I’m here for it.

I feel like it would be disappointing if we spent some time with you and there wasn’t a surprise or two

Austin French:
Surprises are my love language. Are they really? I love surprises. Okay, it’s

Time for

Austin French:
Austin French’s. Favorite thing. What?

What’s happening?

Austin French:
What does that mean?

Is time for Austin French’s? Favorite?

Austin French:
Favorite. Favorite? How about

That? What do we have

Austin French:
Here? Producer Bryce, what’s up? Oh yes. Kettle cooked jalapeno chips

Is really one of your favorite things.

Austin French:
Oh, this is one of my favorite things. And this bag will be gone by, I don’t know, five minutes down the road.

So every time I guess Producer Bryce, how’s this going to work here?

Every time you hear Austin French’s favorite things, Austin French himself live in studio, gets one of his favorite things. Yes. How

Austin French:

This? You’ve been such a good sport with us over the years. I love it in so many fun ways. We thought, how can we just make this a fun day for you? Thanks. And so we’re going to treat you

Austin French:
Today. I love it.

And I bet you’ve never had jalapeno chips this early in the morning. No,

Austin French:
I haven’t. Not this early. For

Those who don’t know, part of your story in your church and everything is you spend time with people and have a powerful message for those who feel like they have some regret.

Austin French:
Yeah, absolutely. I was a worship pastor at a church that 80% of our congregation was an act of recovery, and that was really messy, but it was also the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced because in the church cultures, we are so convinced that we have to perform and be perfect and be on a hundred percent of the time. But in the addiction community, you have to admit that you’re falling apart to find someone who can put you together. And that song Freedom Hymn Why I wrote that song, that community was a song for people to say, I push, I pull. I can’t do this on my own. I am not my hero, but Jesus is the hero and he gives you a new song to sing and those regrets and those things that you’ve done, if anybody’s listening right now that feels like you are the sum of your mistakes, listen, all of your tomorrows aren’t depending on your yesterdays Jesus is the difference. And if you meet him in your today, man, your tomorrow can be completely different right here, right now. Things can change because that’s who he is and who, whoever the sun sets free is free indeed.

So cool to hear the heart of that song and how it’s connected with listeners as we just heard. Yeah. Good morning, joy fm.

Hi, this is Alicia.

Hi, Alicia.

You’re on with Austin French. You want to say hey?

Yeah. Hi.

Austin French:
Hey, Alicia.

Hi. I had a question for you.

Austin French:
Go for it.

Do you sing your own songs in the shower?

Austin French:
Usually it’s my song called Wake Up Sleeper in the mornings. That helps me get going. That’s amazing.

What a great question.

Austin French:
That’s a great question.

Have you ever been asked that before?

Austin French:
I’ve never been asked that, but if you ask my wife, she says, I sing all the time and it’s annoying. So yeah, that includes the shower. But that’s amazing.

We invite you often and you say yes every time.

Austin French:
I always will. Spoiler alert.

I was actually thinking about that. You’ve done sofa concerts, you’ve done the summer nights concert, you did a special concert for those that were struggling with addiction. I mean, if there’s an award for you’ve run the full cycle of Joy FM events. You get

Austin French:
It. I love it. I love it. I love coming back. I always leave encouraged when I come here. I feel like just ministry is done. It’s not just the show. It’s not just showing up and playing the songs. This station believes in the ministry that’s happening and your events are around that. Your heart is around that. We’ve done so many cool things together, but they’re real, real events that are for real people. Yeah.

I remember when we were down at an area prison, we talked about that a moment ago before we got in. It was all scheduled squared away, ready to go, and then there was a hiccup with paperwork and they came on and said, you’re not able to go in. And my first response was, well, how do you break into prison?

No one’s ever tried to break in that

Way. And Austin was like, let’s pray. And while we were praying This is

Austin French:
True. Yeah, this is wild.

While we were praying, they came in and said, Hey, if you can go right now, you can get in. And I just felt like we were supposed to be there. God was going to use it. And then standing in the back and seeing you there, singing for men who are raising their hands, and I don’t know if they knew your songs. I think they knew some.

Austin French:
Yeah, maybe it was a core memory for me just at that point. It wasn’t even about me. It was just about what the Lord in that moment praying. And honestly, prison doors opening, it just felt like, oh man, we’re supposed to be here. Let’s just praise Jesus together. And I’ve never been on the inside of a prison like that. And maybe they knew my music, maybe they didn’t. But the thing that unified us was, man, we get to worship the same God who can be near to every single one of us real to every single one of us, and we have something in common, our father in heaven and we get to worship. It was beautiful.

It really was. It really was. Those the moments that you feel like you’re not a singer, but that God’s called you to something else.

Austin French:
Yeah. I’ve always had people tell me this. They’re like, oh, you may be a singer, but I think you’re called to preach. And I’m like, I don’t know. I get clammy hands in front of people and I’m trying to talk. But it’s in those moments that you just like, I’ve always worried what do I have to say to people? I know I’ve been singing since I was two years old. I know how to sing. But speaking and sharing, that’s something I’ve always been nervous about. And it’s in those moments that you realize all you’re supposed to do is just tell people what God’s done in your life and what he’s doing in your life. You can’t go wrong with that because the spirit of God is alive and well and breathing and moving and shaping us and what he’s done in me, he may want to do in someone else. So that’s how I do it. That’s how I try to speak. And in that way, I may not be a theologian that went to seminary for thousands of years, but I can tell people my testimony. And that’s going to be true for anyone out there. God’s done something in your life. Just talk about

It man. And you have walked that out in a beautiful way. Your joy f him healing out loud video. I don’t know. Have you seen it?

Austin French:
I have. I’ve shed a lot of tears over that video. You’re not

The only one. It brought a tear to my eye watching truthfully, just to see you break the cycle in your life and the love you have for your kids. And I’ve shared that with so many people. Before it was even released, I told my wife, I’m like, you have to see this. And we sat on the couch and just cried together. I mean, it is beautiful. And you did just what you said. You weren’t trying to manufacture anything, you just spoke from your heart. Yeah.

Austin French:
Yeah. That’s all we have is what we’re equipped with is our story. And I love that as unique as it is to be vulnerable these days, it’s when more vulnerable that I feel like someone once told me, he said, Austin, if you try to write a song for a thousand people, you’ll probably only reach one. But if you write a song for one person, that’s usually the song that reaches a thousand people. And so that’s how I try to write music too. And I realize that even if I’m sharing my story, people may not have the same story, but it’s crazy to hear people. They’re like, how are you telling my story too? And so that’s as vulnerable as you can get. I feel like God just opens up this ability to relate with people around you so much better. And that’s why I love small groups and church and community groups and church and our church is just, it’s people living life together, sharing life together and sharing what God’s doing in their life. And that’s what kind of brings us together is the uniqueness of us being vulnerable with each other.

Yeah. If you’ve never seen the video that we’re referring to, you can find [email protected] When you click on Faith, it’s also on our YouTube page at 99 1 Joy fm. But don’t go right now.

Austin French:
Listen, he’s a little

More of things to say, but that video is so good.

I’m smiling. I love being around you. Love hearing stories of how God’s been working in your life, songs, all that kind of thing. We talked about how we’ve had a lot of fun over the years together and that there were going to be a few surprises.

Time four. Awesome.

Austin French:
Frenches favorite


Austin French:
French’s favorite. This is a hoodie we

Heard you

Love hoodie. I love hoodies. Yes.


Austin French:
I love

That we presented Bryce. What did we just present him with? He

Got a Boost Radio hoodie.

Austin French:
I love this. I love to be snugly and warm. And you guys know you just got some snow, right? Yeah. Nothing’s better than just a nice big hoodie.

I was going through your Facebook page looking just for some stuff to talk about with you, and there was a picture of your wife wearing one of our Choose Joy hoodies. Hey, there you go.

So you must not be the only one that enjoys.

Austin French:
I have like three cheese joys

And they’re

Austin French:
In constant rotation. Wait, you have

One less now because your wife snagged. That’s true.

Austin French:
She most of ’em. That’s

True. She might snag this one as well, but yeah, so periodically throughout the morning, whenever that sounder happens, one of your favorite things is going to appear here.

Austin French:
I love this day. This is

Great. I’ll tell you the reason we decided to do this for you is because you’ve been such a good sport over the years, like having fun. I mean, you remember the concert we gave you phrases?

Austin French:
That’s my favorite concert I’ve

Ever done. We gave Austin secret phrases to work into the concert for everyone he worked in. We were going to make a donation to a charity of his choosing and he

Oh my. He got

Every one of them wedged in that show somehow.

They weren’t things that had anything to do with his, I want to see, do you remember any of the things you wanted

Austin French:
To say? Oh yeah, I do. In fact, anytime I play in the St. Louis area, did you take my wallet? That kid? That kid is always there.

How do you work into a concert? Did you take my wallet? You did, but you

Did did it

Austin French:
Flawlessly. Yeah. We don’t talk about Bruno. Yes, that was another one. Oh, they were crazy.

Not my monkey, not my circus,

Austin French:
Not my monkey, not my circus.

And the crowd didn’t know until the end of the night.

Austin French:
They were so confused. We were on a ride together, but we fit it in. We fit him

In. So we decided he’s been so fun over the years, let’s make sure we just make this a special day for Austin and surprise you with some things. Thanks. So we’ve got some more, but with that in mind, I just want to ask part of why we love you is because there’s so much fun and energy, yet there’s a lot of depth to you and the things you have to say. And I’m just curious, is it hard to foster both of those things in your life or is that just how you’re hardwired or,

Austin French:
I think it’s how I’m hardwired the way I grew up. I kind had to grow up really quickly as a kid. And so there was this depth of you just kind having to going through hard things as a young kid? Yeah, a little bit

Of an old soul,

Austin French:
A little bit of an old soul. All my friends tend to be a little bit older than me kind of growing up. But then I’m also, I’m an adventure seeker. I’m a seven on the Enneagram. I love the totally known that. I’m very extroverted. And so I think both of those are the sides. I love walking and I told you guys earlier, but surprises are my love language. I love to be, in fact, I just turned 30 and my wife threw me a surprise birthday party. Every moment of my day was a surprise from when I woke up to literally walking into the house after dinner. A big surprise party. I was blindfolded. It was the best. And all my friends from years were there on a Tuesday night. It was just crazy. But yeah, that part is just, I love the thrill of that and I love being in situations. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I just like being there.

Well, if you love surprises, how about you sing for us later on this morning?

Austin French:
What a surprise.

Hey, now I don’t want to call anybody out, but he came walking in the studio with a guitar.

This is

Austin French:
A surprise I was hoping for

You show up with your guitar, right?

Austin French:

Right. We’re going to play. So what song do you want to sing later? Oh,

Austin French:
Do you have a new song called God is Good? We could do that one. Love it.

All right. I feel like sometimes when you hear a song from an artist Austin, you get a glimpse into not just what they want to say but who they are. And I feel like this is one of those songs, speaking of Jesus can because you start off sharing some of your story.

Austin French:
Absolutely. Yeah. This song really kind of came out of, I did a podcast actually with Matthew West and it was after the podcast. He was like, man, we need to write your story to a song. And so he was like, let’s write a song. Only you can sing. And it was kind of that thing, if we can write a song for one person, maybe it can reach a thousand people. And that’s kind of really what this song has become is, man, if you look at my story, statistically speaking, I should be a terrible dad. I should have some kind of record by now. But Jesus looks at the statistics of who we should be and says, well then you just haven’t met me yet. And that is kind of my story in a nutshell, is like I look back and my life doesn’t make sense. So many things that I could not overcome, but Jesus can. And that’s the story for anyone who calls on the name of Jesus. And I pray that that song and this song, me being vulnerable about where I’ve been coming from a broken family to being a jaded kid who honestly swore I never would be a Christian to now I’m literally on joy of him in St. Louis telling people there’s nothing and no one better than the healing and powerful work of Jesus Christ in their life. So yeah, he can’t just do it for me. Jesus can do it for you too.

Austin, you’re going to play a brand new one. Yeah, but it’s also, we decided we’re just going to have a few, it’s time for

Austin French:
Austin French’s. Favorite

Things. Favorite things. Yes. Star.

Austin French:
Oh, the favorite. The favorites. Very specific. Very specific. Get those

Yellow ones on your favorite

Austin French:
Ones. Oh, this is so good. What

Are your faves?

Austin French:
The fave red. So anything red. This is a compilation of all the reds from the different, this is how bougie this is, right?

So no green M and MSS in your green room.

Austin French:
Just red.

Alright. So every time that little sounder happens, so far you’ve gotten jalapeno

Austin French:
Chips. Yeah. Hoodie and some Now favorite Starburst. Alright guys. Alright. Some more good stuff. Line up. I’m feel it loved you, feeling

Loved. Good. You should, that’s the entire point here. So for those who don’t know, give us an update of your, you just said you turned 30. Tell us about your family.

Austin French:
Yeah, I got an amazing family. Me and my wife celebrate 10 years this year of marriage. We have three kiddos and eight years old, six years old, and four years old. And my 4-year-old little girl thinks she rules the house. But does she does don’t tell her I said that. Yeah. So I have two boys and a little girl. Our family, it’s so busy right now. We’re about to start baseball season. My kiddos, we just came on a basketball season, so we’re like the sports family right now, which is so funny. I’m like the dad and the bleachers, let’s go. And then I’m like, Hey, Jesus loves you, but let’s

Go kiddo.

Austin French:
Trip up. No, I don’t say that. Think that, but I don’t say it. But yeah, so it’s cool. I feel like I’m in this new season of my kids are getting older. We’re having some really sweet conversations. Our 6-year-old, just the other day, we were taking communion at church and he sat in service with us and he’s like, so what is this exactly? And so we’re going, he was like, oh yeah. And my 6-year-old little boy, he communicates, oh, so that’s like Jesus’ blood that was poured out for our sins and his body that was broken for us on the cross. And if we confess that we need him, he’ll save us. And I’m like, buddy, do you get this now? And he’s like, yeah. And so he’s like, we’re talking about baptism with him, which is just the sweetest thing. And we’ve been very careful not to prompt it on him like, Hey, this is what you need before he’s ready. We want it to be this organic conversation. And we talk all the time. We read scripture as a family every day. It’s just been a sweet season as a parent just to be able to see their little brains start to flip on to some really sweet things. One being the gospel. I love it.

You’re talking about some of the great things about being a dad. Yeah. What’s the thing that challenges you the most?

Austin French:
No one told me they would argue so much or backseat drive. And somehow, I don’t know if you realize there is an agenda in the toy community to give little children steering wheel toys. I believe they’re in on this. And so they think that they could drive with their little steering wheel in the backseat and be like, dad, it’s green. Go. I’m like, well, thank you. You’re eight years old. You’re eight years old.

Well, if I can give you a little encouragement, I had two boys who fought constantly when they were younger, argued all the time. And now over Christmas break they hang out late night together. They say, I love you when they’re leaving and hug each other. So hang in there. Yeah.

Austin French:
Yeah. We got a lot of bloody noses from wrestling matches right now.

Yeah. I’ve never understood, but I saw it with our son and my husband. The whole bonding over wrestling with your boys.

Austin French:
It’s a thing

I heard Dr. Dobson years ago talk, it’s how we bond. And I’m like, that never occurred to me and my daughter to get on the floor and tussle because I love her. It just never occurred to me. You do

Austin French:
That. Oh, every night. Every night we even have a ing, we have boxing gloves because people we’re clawing and things like that. So we’re like, well, let’s give them boxing gloves. That’s been fun. But we have to all put our gloves in. We want a clean flight, no low blows.


Austin French:
We go and we just go. And it’s so fun. There’s actually studies done on little boys that need to wrestle with their dads and they actually say the best time to do it is right before bed. I always thought, oh, you’re riling up your kids. But it actually does this thing chemically in them that just one, it bonds them to their dad, but also it just is like they need to know that they have these capabilities and also an outlet for them. And

Physical touch.

Austin French:
Yeah, physical touch. They may not be the snugly kids, but it’s still touch. They love to wrestle. Love to jump on your back. I’m getting older so I’m feeling it more, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. We’re in a really sweet season.


I was just curious what your kids think about what you do for a living. Do they get it? Do they understand or they like why?

Austin French:
They always ask if they can come number one. And they call what I do singing for the peoples. So they’re like, dad’s going to sing for the peoples and then they really get it. We have this conversation all the time. To be honest, if I left just for people to go follow me on Instagram and buy T-shirts, I’d be a pretty bad dad. But I want them to know the significance of what I do and why I do it. I really believe in the songs and the message that I share that it really can change people’s, not just now, but eternity. And that’s worth some kind of sacrifice. And then it is a sacrifice. And so I’ve gotten to bring my kids with me more recently. They’re a little bit older, so they could sit still for a minute. For a minute. That’s the key. And so they’ve been able to watch it and really start to get it even more. And yeah, it’s just sweet. And I have a new project right now that I’ve been working on, and so I think it does drive my wife nuts, but they’re like, every time I get in the car, they’re like, no, play Daddy’s song. Daddy’s music, daddy’s music. And I’m like, just please always think my music is cool.

It’s time for Austin French’s. Favorite thing.

What could it be?

Austin French:
I love that sound.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We’ve got one that Bryce is not going to give you. This one is one you have to hear. Okay. All right. So are you ready for this? I am ready.

Hi daddy. It’s Baker. Hi daddy, it’s Owen. Hi daddy. It’s Coleman. Hey, it’s Jojo. We love. We love you, we love, love you to the moon. Back to the moon. A lot of love. We love you. Love you

Austin French:
Guys. You got my

Over? Alright, so which of your kids was the vocalist there? The singer.

Austin French:
They’re all kind of vocalizing there, but at the end that was my oldest Coleman.

We can’t talk about your favorite things.

Austin French:
No, those are my favorite things.

And not have your favorite people. That’s right. So anyway,

Austin French:
That was the sweetest thing ever. Oh, you got me crying over here.

So we’ve heard from your kids, but you know what they really want. They want to hear you sing for the peoples. Alright,

Austin French:
I’ll sing for the Peoples.

So this is a brand new song?

Austin French:
Yeah, brand new song. We just released it at the top of the year. It’s called God is Good. And if you spent any time in church culture going to church, you probably have heard this phrase, right? So when I say God is good, what do you want to say? All

The time.

Austin French:
And when I say all the time, what do you want to say? God is good. There it is. And I think for me, I grew up, I’m grateful for the tradition of that phrase, but I don’t know in my life if I would have responded the way I’ve responded if I didn’t believe that truth at my core. Because I’ve gone through horror moments even in the past year. This song came out of a season. I actually had an anxiety attack for the first time and I was like, what is this feeling? My chest was getting tight and it was this moment of like, oh, I haven’t surrendered something in my life to you. And I didn’t doubt the goodness of God. I just realized where I needed to run was to the goodness of God. When I wasn’t good, I knew something and someone who always was.
And what a rock we have as believers. We’re not promised what the day has. We’re not promised tomorrow, but we are promised that the rock that we run to is good all the time. And he is faithful to be who he always has been and always will be. And so this song was kind of my fight song to kind of work through that season in my life. And people were like, oh, well why? I’m so sorry that you had an anxious thing that you had to deal with an anxiety season. And I’m like, I’m not because I never had that season in my life and now I know God in a new way and it’s a real way. I don’t want to know God when it’s easy. I want to know God when it’s hard because following Jesus isn’t just going to be a piece of cake. Life is not a piece of cake. But he is good in and out of good and bad seasons and I’m grateful for that and I got to experience that in a new way.

That’s good. All right. So you ready to do this song live right now? Let’s

Austin French:
Do it. All right.

This is Austin French brand new song. God is good right? Here we

Austin French:
Lately have been wrestling with everything. Everything seems hard because I’ve been worry and anxiety keep staring me apart. But I’ve been down and out before and every time I cry out to the Lord, he meets me in my need. I’ve seen it. I believe God is good all the time. Faithful as the sun to rise. Walk with me every day in my life. I’ll sing it again. I’ll sing it again. God is good. Yes, he’s through it all. I’m sure it’s I’m safe inside my father’s hands. I’ll sing it again. Ain’t got all the time. I got a piece, the passes understanding in my heart and you can see it on my face. I got to joy that sticks around when the days are hard tells me I’ll be okay. Let do the ups and downs and highs and lows is working for good. I know always want to need. I’ve seen it now. I believe God is all the time. Faithful the sun. Walk with me every day in my life. I’ll sing it again. I’ll sing it again. God is good. Yes, he is through it. I’m sure this saving inside my father’s hands, I’ll sing it again. God is good all the time.
All the time. God is good. I trust the planes. He has me no matter do what my eyes can see on have no God is good. Eyes can see God is good. Yeah, God is good all the time. Walk day my life, God is yes. Inside Father’s hands,

Brand new, awesome French live and studio proving that he’s not just some studio made musician here at 8 36 in the morning, we go knocking it out. Wow. Great. Great job. Yeah,

There’s people who sing and then there’s doing that all the runs and all the soul that’s in there.

Austin French:
Oh, I love getting express what I feel inside and just what God’s done for me. So it’s a lot of fun.

So you’ve been on the road with Big Daddy Weave. You’ve been on the road with a lot of artists. I heard you tell a listener when they called in that it’s something to be now on the road with artists that you either grew up listening or just but to feel like. Do you feel like you’re one of them now or on the outside looking in or what?

Austin French:
Yeah, it’s such a cool community to be able to call up people and just get advice and wisdom from people that I’ve listened to like Matthew West or Dana Goki and Mike from Big Daddy Weave. And these people, I’m a fan of the music and I’ll always be a fan of their music. I go and listen to their projects and it encourages me and we play it on our speakers at the house. And so I think I’ll always be just grateful to be a part of the team. I still look back and just kind of pinch myself, am I really doing this? Is this still happening? And I’ve been in the industry for a minute now, but still it’s just like it never gets old to me just to be able to share a bus with some of these people and get to know them more.
Because to be honest, they’re just even more awesome off the mic I would imagine. Because they are a continuation of what they do on stage, off stage. And just to get to see, it makes me appreciate the music more. We have people that come to our concerts and I love storytelling. I love telling the stories behind these songs. And you’ll have the comments of like, oh, that song means so much more now knowing where it came from. And so that’s how I feel really is the songs I already loved. Now they mean More. I know the person behind them.

Of all the artists that you’ve toured with, is there anybody that you feel like you’ve really learned something from, whether it’s just by example or directly that they’ve taken you under the wing? Oh,

Austin French:
I mean, I feel like I learned something every, the artist community is so willing to just like, Hey, this is where I got it wrong and this is where we’ve figured it out. And I think every community, there’s those conversations happening because we’re all dads or moms or we’re trying to do families. And really that’s kind of where most of the conversations go because it’s like, Hey, how do you do this? How is a healthy way to do this? And I’ve always wondered, am I being a good dad? And actually I think it was Danny, he was like, the fact that you’re asking the question means that you’re a good dad and that you’re always trying to figure it out. We may never have it figured out, but as long as we’re willing to try, that is really it. And then Micah Tyler, same thing is just a sweet guy, a good friend of mine.
And yeah, we’re just encouraging each other. So I don’t know, it’s hard to say if one artist, but Mark Hall and really his whole family, I learned a lot on their tour. In fact, his wife gave me some of the best advice. She’s the best. Oh yeah. She gave me some of the best advice. And it was kind of early on in my ministry and I had this perception. I was like, okay, how do I not sacrifice my family on the altar of my ministry? And she said, you have it wrong. And I was kind of like, okay, well tell me what are you figure out? She’s like, this isn’t your ministry. This is your family’s ministry. She was like, don’t take a show unless your family is on board. Don’t take a tour unless your family is on board. And so that’s how we really operate now is if I get an offer in or I get an opportunity, even a radio tour, I love seeing you guys, but I’m also leaving my family. And so I did not say yes to this until it was like a yes from my family first. Good for you. That’s cool. And that really has been a game changer. So that piece of advice has really changed my marriage, changed being a father and my career and to be, at the end of the day, I love what I do, but at the end of the day, I love my family more and I have to because if that withers away, this means nothing. Right. And so if my family’s healthy, then my ministry’s healthy

And they are your ministry. Absolutely. Right. And it’s too high a price to minister to others if we’re not ministering to our family. Absolutely. And we’ve seen that from day one. And you write this desire to love your family. Well, by the way, just one more plug for the Healing Out loud video that you shared with us. If you’re listening right now and you’re like, man, his family’s just perfect watch because you came from a broken home and how that still has shaped you now as a dad. And anyway, I don’t want to give all of it away, but man, check it out because you’ll hear the fullness of the broken home that you came from and how it has shaped you and the healing journey that you’re on and how that shaped you as a dad.

Austin French:
Yeah. I mean it depends on if you guys have time for it, but I do have a song that I wrote about that and it’s kind of inspired through that. I’d love to play it. Yeah,

I would

Austin French:
Love that. I’ve only played it like four times ever, but if you guys are cool with it, I could play it. Of

Course. I would love

Austin French:
That. Yeah,


Yeah. That healing out loud video, I’m telling you, it is just one of the most vulnerable. And I think because especially as parents, we all wonder if we’re doing a good job. And you just touch on that and just, man, it is great. You can find it when you click on [email protected], by the way.

Yeah. You need to play it now or you need a minute.

Austin French:
I’m good whenever you are. Yeah. You just let me know if you want it now. We could go now or we can take a break and come

Back now is always better. So what is the name of this song?

Austin French:
The song’s called Broken Home and it really dives into where I came from and it really shines a light on that video. I was so inspired by doing that video. I had written this song a while back and I didn’t know if I would ever release it. And then I did that video and I remember calling my manager and saying, I think I need to share more of this story. And I sent him the song that I had written and it was just a voice memo. I actually wrote this song in my producer’s driveway. I didn’t even record a demo of it, I just told him the story. I had the chorus of the song done and he was like, wait. And I was leaving. I didn’t have a lot of time. And he was like, lemme go grab my guitar. And so we sat in his driveway and finished out the song in 15 minutes and no lyrics have changed since that moment. And yeah, it’s been a song of healing for me. And every time I play it, I feel like I heal more and hopefully bring healing to a lot of other people. So good. All right. This song’s called Broken Home
Dad. Daddy made some promises he couldn’t keep. Mama said, you’ll still see him every other week. You didn’t understand you were just a kid back two bedrooms and two houses, different sides of town feeling like a deck of cards, always shuffled around with painting. No notes. Guess that’s where it goes. But if I could talk to that younger me, I’d hold him close saying, I say these things, all your tomorrows don’t depend on you. Yesterday, very small. You raised, if I’m on some things, heal if I’m on some things. But you don’t have a broken future just from a broken home. There might be a day, thank you all your fall beating yourself for reasons it don’t make sense at all. It was not your fault. It was not your fault. You father sins are in your blood because you made mistakes you don’t think you’ll find your way back from, but I know you’ll, the mornings coming still your tomorrow. Don’t depend on yesterdays. You raise if I’m, some things heal if I’m on. So things wrong. But you don’t have just because, okay, be it’s okay to cry and then ask him, mommy, ask you Dad, why? And it’s okay to feel like you lost upon the sea because this isn’t how it was meant to be.
But you’ll grow up, fall in love and hold your kids and you’ll know. Then you can do things different than they did and all the hell you seen, heaven will redeem your tomorrow. Don’t depend on yesterday. Very smart. You raise if I something, heal if I so things. But you don’t have don’t broken because you broken from broken

Austin French live in studio this morning on 99.1. Joy fm man. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Austin French:
Yeah, well, it’s a hard song to get through a lot of times, but it is, like I said, every time I share it, I think I believe it more.

Do you find it easier to share your story because you have so much? Or is it like every time you do, do you have that little bit of like, oh, I’ve been too vulnerable?

Austin French:
Oh, I’ve always heard that enemy’s greatest weapon that he uses against us is fear. And so I had an evangelist actually once tell me, he was like, the way I share the gospel is the first person I feel fear to share the gospel with. I know that’s the person I’m supposed to talk to every time I go to share my story. I get scared, afraid of fear comes into my focus. And so that’s when I know I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing because that’s the enemy’s greatest weapon. Yeah.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more honest song. It was so good. Thank you. I don’t know if that’s going to be a single, I don’t know what it’s going to do out

Austin French:

But it’s a great song.

Austin French:
Thank you. Yeah. Well, it’ll be on my next project and I’m grateful to be able to share it and hopefully it can bring some healing for some people.

It’s time for Austin French’s. Favorite things.

Austin French:
That’s the best jingle. It’s perfect.

We’ve already touched that. You love Peanut M and msm. Yes.

Austin French:

We also heard you have a very specific coffee taste. So we got you some St. Louis Blues.

Austin French:

Light roast. Love it. Pour over coffee.

Austin French:
Come on. This is my jam. Guys. What

Is your relationship with coffee? I hear it is pretty intense. I

Austin French:
Have children, so that is how it began. Okay. I was not a coffee person until I had kids. And in fact, yeah, I thought it was gross until then. And honestly it was 10th Avenue North, I was on tour with them and I was drinking coffee, but it was more cream and sugar than it was coffee. And they looked at me like I was crazy. And they said, let me make you a cup of coffee the way it’s supposed to be made. And they made me a light roast coffee, pour over set up with this gooseneck kettle. I was like, what are these guys do? Are they scientists or are they making me coffee? Shouldn’t it sound like a Keurig or something? And they’re like, no, do not do that. And they showed me the way, and I tasted the first cup of coffee, and I think that was in 2018 or 17, and I’ve never looked back. Wow. So I now own a coffee company in South Florida, and I am very passionate about coffee. I love it so much.

So you’re not just on the road stopping at Circle K for a couple. Oh

Austin French:
Man, that is painful to think that that is a reality.

Well, I think we’ve just got one more song that we’ve not played and it’s born again. So we’ll play that here in just a second. But man, this time went by way too fast. It did. It did. Way too fast. You are again, one of our favorite people. Not just because the songs you sing, but just again, who you are and thank. Can’t wait for the next time.

Austin French:
I thoroughly enjoy this every time. And now you guys got me on my favorite things. Well, there you go. I feel very loved and cared for. Thank you.

Well, glad we, truthfully, as Sandy just said, love having you in studio and man, this time flew by. So thanks for making St. Louis a stop on your promo tour. When does the new music come out, by the way?

Austin French:
So first song is out now. God is good. You can go listen to that wherever you listen to music. And then, yeah, throughout this year, we’ll be teasing more here very shortly. But yeah, be on a lookout.

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