Brooke Ligertwood's solo album may be

Brooke Ligertwood's solo album may be "Misunderstood."

The new Brooke Ligertwood album, SEVEN, has just been released and it includes some of our new favorite worship songs such as “A Thousand Hallelujahs” and “Honey In The Rock.”

For those who don’t know Brooke Ligertwood or are maybe trying to put pieces of a puzzle together, it could be easy to assume that she is releasing her own solo record as a way to build her own brand or build a name for herself. Sandi, from the Morning Show, asked Brooke if there was any added pressure to release an album under her own name, as opposed to Hillsong Worship. I love the clarity that she brought with her answer!

Take a listen to this interview with Brooke talks about her new solo album called, SEVEN.

View this video with Brooke, and other interviews with JOY FM artists videos on the JOY FM YouTube Channel.

Or to hear the full morning show interview with Brooke, click here!

Brooke Ligertwood:
I try and be really careful what I say because I never want to put words in God’s mouth. I don’t get to do that, or be flippant with that. But my husband and I really felt clearly that this was something that God asked us to do.

And because it was obedience, I felt like the pressure was off because it wasn’t my idea. If it was my idea or something that I really, really, really wanted to do, I think there would’ve been a lot of pressure and a lot of striving.

But because I knew unequivocally that this was what God was asking of us, I was like, “All right, we are going to prepare as prayerfully and diligently as we can. We are going to soak this thing in prayer and devotion at every single step.

God comes to prepared places, so we are going to prepare. And then he gets to come and consume this if this is what he’s asking of us.”

And so, for that reason, I really just it’s almost like the pressure’s off because I’m like, “All right, I will do my part of this, but I am not the whole. God is the whole. I do my part and then he gets all of the glory, because it’s something that only God could do, not something that Brooke could do.” Yeah.

Well, and I love the clarity in that that some people who don’t know you or who are just trying to put pieces of a story together may go, “Oh, well you’re out now making a name for yourself.”

And I love that what you said off the air to us was that it was the furthest desire from you did not want to do that. So God was asking you to do something you didn’t want to do and that, to be honest, could be easily misunderstood.

Brooke Ligertwood:
Yes, exactly. Misunderstanding is a part of, actually I’ve learned, is an essential part of discipleship and following Jesus.

Being misunderstood is part of being crucified. And so for me, I remember literally a few weeks before we were going into pre-production and rehearsals and honestly, I wasn’t even praying. I was just complaining and winging and being silly and selfish because I am.

Being misunderstood is part of being crucified.

Brooke Ligertwood

And I was winging in my car to God going, “But why does it have to be my name? Why?” This is so stupid, but I was like, “It’s the only thing I have left that’s mine.”

Which is so silly.

I felt the holy spirit just cut across my thoughts and say, “Oh, that’s your name, is it?” And I was like, “That’s right. I don’t get to keep anything for myself.” And I actually, when it comes down to it, I don’t want to. In this life, if I’ve given my life to Jesus, he gets to take all of it. He gets to use whatever he wants, so this for me, this project, is part of that, “Okay, Jesus, you get to do what you want with my life.”

Well, I know that I’m not the only one in this moment sitting here going, “I think that was for me.” Because we all have those things that we’re either holding onto or that we don’t want to walk into or that we feel is unfair. God is asking. That right there, thank you for that.

Yeah, those times when, as you said, you feel like you’re praying, but you’re really whining, and you just have that realization, “Wait a minute. I’m just complaining here.” That’s so strong.

Well you find me someone that God used mightily in scripture who was not misunderstood. It’s not there. Everybody, Jesus on down, who was obedient and following after Christ was accused of something, usually heart stuff, and they were just misunderstood. So that’s my little soapbox. It’s just I love that you’ve recognized that and that’s a good reminder also for the faithful that are in ministry. It’s part of what you’re called into.

Brooke Ligertwood:
Yeah, and particularly I think when it comes to especially people who are public in some way, including you guys. I think misunderstanding is almost a form of anonymity, or obscurity. Being misunderstood mean someone’s not actually seeing who you really are…

And that’s the most hurtful part of it.

Brooke Ligertwood:
But that’s a form of obscurity. But that’s also the, “I must decrease and he must increase.” That’s the John 3:30 part of it. So, that changes the way I approach being misunderstood when I go, “Oh, this is an opportunity for John 3:30.”

He must become greater; I must become less.

John 3:30 -- New International Version (NIV)

I don’t need to defend myself. I always say, “I don’t need to PR my own obedience. I don’t need to public relations, put a spin on my obedience.”

I think Pastor Charles Stanley says, “Obey God and trust him and trust him with the rest.

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