Brooke Ligertwood teaches Nick and Sandi the New Zealand Accent

Brooke Ligertwood teaches Nick and Sandi the New Zealand Accent

You may know Brooke Ligertwood from Hillsong Worship or from the worship songs, “A Thousand Hallelujahs” and “Honey In The Rock” from her new solo album, SEVEN.

You may not know that Brooke Ligertwood, formerly Brooke Fraser’s first album titled What to Do with Daylight was released in New Zealand in 2003. This album debuted at Number 1 and earned gold status the same week and eventually went seven times platinum!

Brooke would never say this, but essentially she was a pretty big deal as a singer/songwriter in New Zealand. And Brooke’s beautiful New Zealand accent still shines. She got to teach Nick and Sandi how to pronounce different sayings with a New Zealand accent and what the subtle differences are between New Zealand and Australian accents.

View this video with Brooke, and other interviews with JOY FM artists videos on the JOY FM YouTube Channel.

Or to hear the full morning show interview with Brooke, click here!

Brooke on if her kids have accents

Wow. That’s impressive. And your children. What accent do they have?

Brooke Ligertwood:
So they were born in America. So they sound American, except I do insist they call me mommy (said in New Zealand accent). Not mom. So when they, I was sharing with you guys earlier, when they want to get my attention, if they’re like, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mom. And I’m like, “What? What?” Yeah.

That does it.

Brooke Ligertwood:
Yeah. But they sound… My elder daughter, because I think she was around a lot of Australians, she sounded a bit Australian until she started proper preschool and stuff. And but my youngest daughter, who’s four now, she has been American since before she could even say words. She’s like, “Mom, you change my diaper.” She’s like very, she’s truly American. Yeah.

A mom of two daughters. How do you manage that? The work life balance. Being out on the road, and doing all the appearances and things you have to do.

Brooke Ligertwood:
Oh, my gosh. One thing I heard, was that there’s no such thing as balance. But there is such thing as a juggle. And some balls are made of plastic. Some balls are made of glass. So there’s some that you can’t drop, because they’ll shatter. There’s some, you can drop them. And then, just make sure you pick them back up. And there’s some rubber ones. They’ll just bounce. So I think-

That is so healthy.

Brooke Ligertwood:
… So I think it’s like, yeah, I’m just trying not to drop the glass balls. But some rubber ones and some plastic ones can fall down. That’s okay.

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