CAIN is Setting Roots In St. Louis! Here's why...

CAIN is Setting Roots In St. Louis! Here's why...

CAIN is Setting Roots In St. Louis! Here’s why…

The band CAIN was in the studio! And in this video, you’ll find out why we in St. Louis might be seeing a lot more of Madison Cain Johnson, Taylor Cain Matz, and Logan Cain… aka the band, CAIN! As well as get a special live performance of their new song, The Commission.

Be sure to check out this special edition acoustic version of “Yes He Can” by CAIN!

CAIN in studio interview transcription:

Well, it sounds like you might be spending a little more time in St. Louis because Taylor, your husband. Well, I’ll let you break the news. You

Taylor Cain Matz:
Guys you’re gonna love me!

And CAIN happens to be in the studio with us this morning, right now with us. We have Madison, Taylor and Logan. How are you guys?

Logan Cain:
Good morning all!

Taylor Cain Matz:
We’re great!

So good to have you here. Can I just say something and get it off the table? Real quick. I’m super nervous this morning.

Taylor Cain Matz:

Taylor Cain Matz:
Because I don’t know if you guys have met Sandi, she started JOY FM. She’s my co-host in the morning. And she sits in the pilot seat. And she does the heavy lifting. I just like try to sound smart and make a joke every now and then. And she couldn’t beat here today and they’re like, flights are booked. The hotel is ready. They’re coming. I’m like uhoh so

Madison Cain Johnson:
They gave you the buttons buttons. You have to hit all the buttons.

So if y’all were expecting some sort of like 60 Minutes in depth interview, you’re gonna be sadly disappointed. But if we can hang out for the next hour.

Taylor Cain Matz:
Yeah. Just a chat.

Logan Cain:
I can confidently say same.

Alright. Beautiful. Then let’s hang out and get to know one another really looking forward to that. So, uh, as I said, We The Kingdom, last time we got to see you the first, the first time, a lot of the JOY FM audience got to see you guys live. So fun, so much energy. And you know, sometimes these shows come to town. You’re like, well, that’s kind of an odd matchup, but CAIN, We The Kingdom and Zach Williams… Man! And what a great night. That makes sense. So I just kind of hear what you guys thought of that tour and those other bands.

Taylor Cain Matz:
It was friendship. It was so cool because we admire their music. If I were to look at our whole genre, Zach Williams. Those are the people I listened to my free time. So it was cool to become friends and now I have jokes. So when we see them out like it. Yeah. It’s cool.

Taylor Cain Matz:
Yeah. We, we did a tour prank the last night of tour.

All right. Let’s hear it.

Check out some other things happening at JOY FM on the What’s Happening page!

Taylor Cain Matz:
So they have, do you remember in their set when they have kind of those car waving men that come up inflatable. We bought those suits that were like air inflatable suit and like waddled out on stage. And I feel like they almost didn’t notice it at first until we were like actually moving and shaking with their arms in the air.

This was during Zach set or during We The Kingdom?

Taylor Cain Matz:
We The Kingdom.

Madison Cain Johnson:
So right when their inflatables went, we ran out and I feel like Franni stopped singing and just folded in half laughing.

See, I pictured We The Kingdom laughing and a picture. If he did that during Zach’s set, he’d just be like, “huh.”

Logan Cain:
Yes. And that’s laughing!

Taylor Cain Matz:
That’s exactly the noise!

Madison Cain Johnson:
Logan you got a good Zach impersonation. Do you wanna?

Logan Cain:
I do okay. So the, the key word is tour for Zach. So he would say, “Hey, How ya’ll doing tonight? Having a nice time on this tur. It was a blast man. And it was a master class in, in being kind being professional. Everybody was, was so, so good. It was amazing.

Well, you guys got guitars with you. I understand. You’re gonna do a song live this morning. Is that right?

Logan Cain:
Let’s do it!

Taylor Cain Matz:
I mean it’s early, so we’ll, we’ll chat a little longer. Let those voices warm up.

That’s CAIN rise up on 99.1. JOY FM CAIN in studio with us this morning. Madison, Taylor, Logan. Thank you guys for coming in. As that song was playing, we were just kind of sharing our stories a little bit and how I didn’t expect to be on the radio in St. Louis and Logan you were saying that was kind of your story too. Like music was always something you were interested in, but didn’t think it would necessarily be your livelihood.

Logan Cain:
No, I mean, I think I’ve said it before, but making music for a living felt on par with being an astronaut or being a professional athlete, it was just something that people did, but not me. Not something that would ever be attainable for me. And so when that door was opened, just how you were saying with your story, there’s a hesitancy to let go of and try to jump into this thing. Even if you dreamed about it, your whole life. It’s a little bit kind of scary to think. I don’t know. You know what I mean? You think when you’re, when I see other people and I’m thinking like, that’s your dream, you should go for it. And then when it’s in front of me, you’re sort like, oh, oh uh. We’re less likely to leap. So, um, yeah, it was just cool to hear your story and to see how, whether it’s music or morning show or wherever you are listening, like God opens doors and jumping looks different for everybody, but the, the act is still the same.

Taylor Cain Matz:
Don’t you feel like you just had to keep saying yes, like obey that small next step.

Yeah, definitely. And a lot of listeners probably don’t even know my story. And that is when I came to JOY FM. It was not as on air person, I was behind the scenes guy and kinda fell into this and unexpectedly. So. That’s kinda what we were talking about.

Madison Cain Johnson:
Fell into success!

Logan Cain:
Face first!

Well, we’ll see how this morning goes! As you talk about like music and being younger in the start, I’m curious siblings, obviously, for those that don’t know, you guys are all siblings, did you all like the same music growing up?

Madison Cain Johnson:
I honestly do feel like we were forced into the same music growing up when we were, you know, we were pastors kids. Mom and dad only had us listen to Christian radio. So, I mean, we were way into Steven Curtis Chapman, Amy Grant, you know. Mom would get the CCM magazine and we’d all circle. So we had different artists that we liked, but we were only on Christian music and I think that’s why we’re here.

Taylor Cain Matz:
And when you’re sharing a bedroom and a minivan, you’re only listen to the same songs.

Logan Cain:
No doubt.

I was gonna say, as Madison answered and I saw you two look at each other, and I was wondering if there was like, you know, a, story your parents don’t know about. The record that was hidden under the bed.

Madison Cain Johnson:
What are y’all making fun of me about?

Logan Cain:
No, I uh, tested my cough button and I, then when you looked at me, I wasn’t sure if it worked or not. So I was like, oh gosh, I, that was on air. That was a great question. I don’t know if I’ve actually ever been asked that. And I take that so for granted, it’s kind of cool as we got older, I think for sure. We were, like you said, forced to like the same music. And then when we became, I think we were in high school when Taylor got her first car and we were able to ride around just the three of us. Yeah. That’s where it was sort of like, well, what are, what do you like, what are you into?

Taylor Cain Matz:
That’s true.

You explore your own taste.

Logan Cain:
And I think that’s where a lot of the sonic choices that we make now came from, because it was like our, our song writing and our lyrics are rooted in scripture, are in Christian music. But then I we have a favorite Coldplay album. We have a favorite… Big Need to Breathe fans, and Fleetwood Mac. There were things that we were riding around listening to that, I think shaped how we sound musically. So that’s great question.

I mean, this is from your own website that you guys did a cover of Whitney Houston. I want to dance with somebody and I don’t really call that being on a Stephen Curtis Chapman album!

Taylor Cain Matz:
You know, what’s so sad about that is that we learned that song from Ben Rector, not even Whitney Houston.

We’ve got the song. Yes, he can coming up. And curious if you guys could tell us just a little bit about it.

Taylor Cain Matz:
Yes. Okay. So this song, this is just gonna pump you guys up this morning because when you read in the Bible, there’s all these testimonies and things. When God is reminding his people of like, look what I’ve done for you remember, look at all the testimonies and we can do that in our own lives. And it really, it fills you with faith. Like nothing else. When you remember those small times that God provided for you. Or he set you free. And so you can look in the future and know if he’s done it before he can do it again.

All right. Let’s listen to it more with CAIN coming up after. Yes He Can. On 99.1 JOY FM in studio this morning, we have the band CAIN. Now, Logan, I’ve got a little gift for you here.

Logan Cain:
A gift for me?

Taylor Cain Matz:
This is a little surprise gift then I want you to explain it.

Logan Cain:
I can’t help, but feel like it’s gonna be a stick of deodorant.

Awkward. There’s nothing more enticing than opening a gift on the radio.

Logan Cain:
Oh my gosh. I’ve got a bundle of joy on the way, and she is gonna be looking cute as a button in this onesie.

Is an official JOY FM bundle of joy onesie.

Logan Cain:
Oh my gosh.

Madison Cain Johnson:
I can’t believe she’s here. Like it…

Taylor Cain Matz:
Logan’s gonna be a dad in March. 1st time.

First time in March. First addition to the CAIN family.

Taylor Cain Matz:
That was really nice.

Logan Cain:
And then maybe, maybe when I get my post baby body back, I’ll wear it. I’m just kidding guys. It’s too small for me.

So what’s the due date?

Logan Cain:
March 29th.

All right. And, uh, name already. Can we talk about that or not?

Logan Cain:
Yeah, yeah. So I’m having a little girl and her name is gonna be River James. River James Cain. So we got a little River on the way and she will run like a river. I’m just, gosh, I’m so stinkin excited about it. And I feel like that in itself is, is a miracle. Yeah, because I went, I was able to jump straight from horrified to be a parent, to completely excited, to be a parent. And I, God really kind of was gracious to me about the middle ground. Cause I think a lot of people have so much fear and so much trepidation about moving into that. And so, but I’ve got, I’ve got the best nanny staff in the world waiting on me right here.

Taylor Cain Matz:
I’m hoping that she looks like me because Logan and I look very similar. So,

Madison Cain Johnson:
Maybe she’ll have my personality

Couple doting aunts. Well, I can tell you as a father of three kids, that movement from like trepidation and panic to love and celebration, that happens about six times a day. So… I’m glad experienced it already!

Logan Cain:
The pendulum begins to swing. Thank you guys so much.

I wanna talk to you about St. Louis A. Little bit, because you know, I know that you guys came into town with We the Kingdom and Zach Williams, but prior to that, do you have any experience in St. Louis?

Madison Cain Johnson:

Logan Cain:
We drove through once.

Madison Cain Johnson:
I took a picture of that arch.

You’ve gotta do that.

Logan Cain:
Very touristy of us.

Taylor Cain Matz:
So we’re we’re new here.

Well, it sounds like you might be spending a little more time in St. Louis because Taylor, your husband, well, I’ll let you break the news.

Taylor Cain Matz:
You guys you’re gonna love me.

We already to, but go ahead!

Taylor Cain Matz:
But my husband, his name is Steven Matz. He’s gonna be a starting lefthanded pitcher for the Cardinals! Cardinal Nation. We’re really excited!

Madison Cain Johnson:
And it’s a four year contract. That’s like 20 years in baseball,

So no pressure. How much more time are you gonna be spending in St. Louis? Well,

Taylor Cain Matz:
Well I’m already gonna go, just pick out where I live today. You’re you’re coming along, I think. Right?

You know, Jimmy, Fallon’s got The Roots. We’re gonna have CAIN house band!

Logan Cain:
Here in the corner playing ya in and out!

Well, awesome. We can’t wait for the season to get started. Hopefully.

Taylor Cain Matz:
Yeah, please.

What an odd time to, you know, be in your situation. But uh, looking forward to that. So, uh, coming up we’re right now, we’ve got a song. Celebrate me home.

Taylor Cain Matz:

Madison looks excited about this one. you wanna tell us a little bit about it?

Taylor Cain Matz:
Yeah. So we didn’t write it. Um, it’s a Kenny Loggins song that was really important to us growing up, but we, we covered it. And it’s pretty cool. We shot our own music video yeah. In our childhood home. And our parents end up selling that house. So I’m so thankful that we had that memory and that recording of us. Like with all of our friends and our childhood home singing Celebrate Me Home.

So they sold it after you shot the video?

Madison Cain Johnson:

Logan Cain:
Not because of it though! I make sure that’s clear!

They were just trying to drive up the market value!

Madison Cain Johnson:
We was just like, there were a lot of full flames. No, I’m kidding.

All right. Well, let’s listen to it. This is the song. Celebrate Me Home first time ever on JOY FM by the band CAIN and more with CAIN in studio this morning. I was, uh, curious, this is the week. Unfortunately I saw the study this morning that this is the week. Most of us give up on our new year’s resolutions. Isn’t that sad? We don’t make it two weeks into these life changing commitments we make for the year. I mean, December 31st we’re ready to give 12 months of our best. And then, you know, two weeks, weeks later today

Taylor Cain Matz:
I woke up today with the feeling like, “just quit.”

Okay. So that’s what I wanna know. What, what did you enter this year hoping to, to do? Did you have some resolutions?

Madison Cain Johnson:
Just like, honestly, this is so sad. I didn’t make any, cuz I just know myself and it’s just like… quit trying!

Logan Cain:
I quit 20, 22 and 2020. Come on.

Taylor Cain Matz:
We’re starting to make resolutions, like just drink more water. Maybe things did not stop doing just add to it.

Logan Cain:
Um, I we’ll see now you guys both went funny so I can’t go serious. No I heard an interview once with Ashton Kutcher and he was talking about how he making five and 10 year resolutions. Oh. So that he was more likely to, cause I think that may be the part of the resolution bit that we, you know, it’s like, I’m gonna read the whole Bible in a year. Yeah. And then it’s like, it feels too big. And so, um, my hope within the next five years is to write a book. And so I have picked 10 books that I’m gonna read or listen throughout the year. Okay. So that’s kind of, um, halfway through the first one. All right. So I’m okay so far!

You didn’t ask for advice, but this was some of the best resolution advice I’ve ever read. And it’s because we, we usually say things like, oh, I wanna lose 10 pounds. But instead it was like, you can’t control that as much as you can. Like I wanna walk every day. So, or walk, you know, five times a week. It’s something that you can measure. So for you, it’s like, I just need to read 10 pages a day or something. So you got like something to check off.

Madison Cain Johnson:
Have you started reading?

I halfway through the first one!

Madison Cain Johnson:
Oh dang.

Taylor Cain Matz:
Did you have a resolution though?

You know what, I’m kind of with you guys, like I I’ve done it before and you end up in the same boat. So..

Madison Cain Johnson:
Just quit! Just quit!

I did do this like 75 day challenge thing at the end of last year that was like eat better and read 10 pages of a book, like a overall wellness thing. And I loved it. And then Halloween hit and I went face first into a bag of candy and didn’t come up for air until January 1st. So …

Logan Cain:
That feels like the type of 75 day challenges that I’ve been doing. It’s just like, how much can I, can I in the next 75 days! I’ll try to top that!

So you guys are geared up now, got the guitars in hand. Do you need a minute to get tuned and set up or is

Logan Cain:
Everybody’s everybody’s favorite song is the tune song now we’re we, we stepped out and tuned in the hallway.

Okay. First off, let’s talk about live performances because you guys are known for being high energy and putting it all out there on the stage, which we definitely got to appreciate when you were in town a couple months ago, you’re coming back as part of the JOY FM Sofa Concert Series. You guys and We are Messengers kicking off the series and the show sold out.

Madison Cain Johnson:
Guys that means we have friends here!

I don’t know how familiar you are with the sofa concerts we do here. They celebrate JOY FM’s birthday every Thursday night throughout the month of February. And even though that first week is sold out through broadcast live. So no pressure, this might be the biggest show you guys do of the year.

Madison Cain Johnson:
Oh my goodness. Okay. So do we need to do a great rendition of happy birthday? Is that the main song people wanna hear?

If you wanna win over some folks that always. So we are so excited that you guys are gonna be here. And like I said, even if you didn’t get tickets to that show, cause it’s sold out fast, you’re still gonna be to listen in on February 3rd. Little taste of what you’re gonna hear that night. What song are you guys gonna do?

Madison Cain Johnson:
The Commission.

Logan Cain:
We’re gonna we’re do, we’re gonna sing our new song, The Commission. And this would be the, the low energy point of the show probably. I shouldn’t say low energy. It’s it’s a, it’s a low dynamic. It’s

It’s the meaningful moment.

Logan Cain:
It is probably one of my favorite moments in the show, for sure, because I think that this represents so much of how we got started. It represents how we started as a part of a worship band in our dad’s church. And then progressively, like we talked about earlier as we had eyes on music as a dream, God was really preparing us in the church. And we didn’t really even know that at the time, but anytime we get a chance to just say, you know what, shut your eyes and let’s worship together. That feels special. So I love playing this song.

Taylor Cain Matz:
The Commission is about. It’s our take on the great commission and what helps us sometimes is we’ve always written songs about Jesus in power. Jesus is king and Lord. And we, we love him as that. But one of the most comforting things is just Jesus as a friend. And maybe the great commission wasn’t him pointing fingers and saying, go do this. Maybe it was him crying, saying, I’m really gonna miss you guys. And thank you for believing what we’ve all been through together. And I pray that you share this cuz it all hangs on you guys. So the weight of that and just sometimes we need to think of Jesus in that way, you know?

Yep. Absolutely. Well, you guys ready? We’re ready. All right. Let’s hear it live in studio. Here’s CAIN with The Commission.

View this video with the band, CAIN (with Madison Cain Johnson, Taylor Cain Matz, and Logan Cain), and other interviews with JOY FM artists videos on the JOY FM YouTube Channel.

The Commission Lyrics

See my hands and look at my feet
It’s okay if it’s hard to believe
I have faith that you will do greater things
It’s my time to go, but before I leaveGo tell the world about me
I was dead but now I live
I’ve gotta go now for a little while
But goodbye is not the endDon’t forget the things that I taught you
I’ve conquered death and I hold the keys
Where I go you will go too someday
But there’s much to do here before you leave soGo tell the world about me
I was dead but now I live
I’ve gotta go now for a little while
But goodbye is not theEnd of the journey
The end of the road
My spirit is with you
Wherever you go
You have a purpose
And I have a plan
I’ll make you this promise
I’ll come back again
But until thenGo tell the world about me
For I was dead but now I live
Oh, I’ve gotta go now for a little while
Hey, but goodbye is not the endOh
Go tell them about me
(Go tell the world)
I’ve gotta go
(Go tell the world)
For a little while
But goodbye is not the end

CAIN in studio interview transcription:

Man. That’s CAIN with The Commission in studio. I need to emphasize live because that sounded so good. You guys thank you. Amazing. Especially at eight o’clock in the morning. I’m sorry to even ask you to do that song.

Taylor Cain Matz:
That song is high! We made it!

Well, I’ll tell you what man, what a great song. In studio with us. We have the band CAIN hanging out. Just have a few more minutes with you guys, man. The the hour has flown by.

Madison Cain Johnson:
We’re having fun. We’re friends.

I know. Can you guys just come back tomorrow too? There’s three of you, Nick, Sandi and Scott. We can take the day off tomorrow and let you guys have the show.

Logan Cain:
Tune in tomorrow for the last day of JOY FM here, as we’re driving into the ground.

Before you guys head out here, we have a gift sitting in front of you and uh, you don’t have to open the card. Just kind of dig in the bag then. Cause we got something special.

Logan Cain:
Here. The sounds of digging into the bag.

Madison Cain Johnson:
This is so…!

Taylor Cain Matz:
No way!

What in the world.

Madison Cain Johnson
This is really, really special!

Taylor Cain Matz:
We got her own Cardinal jersey!

That’s right. We had some Cardinals jerseys made with CAIN on the back! I’m telling you, we want you guys to be the JOY FM house band!

Madison Cain Johnson:
This is a huge deal!

Taylor Cain Matz:
I am blown away!

Logan Cain:
Listener at home, I’m putting mine on now!

Taylor Cain Matz:
These are beautiful. We’re all CAIN we’re numbered 99! Best player on the field, right?

Taylor. I have a question. Oh yeah. Does your husband even have a Cardinals Jersey yet?

Taylor Cain Matz:
No. I beat him to it!

That’s right!

Taylor Cain Matz:
Does even have a number? I don’t know! I do.

Madison Cain Johnson:
This is one of the nicest things that I’ve ever gotten. I am just blown away.

Taylor Cain Matz:
Well, thank you. That was really thoughtful.

Madison Cain Johnson:
Oh my husbands gonna be so jealous. As soon as my husband found out the news about Steven, he went and bought hats and all this stuff. So I I’ve,

Well, if your husband’s that jealous, you tell him to come on into JOY FM and like you just did a little bit ago. If he can pull it off we’ll give him a Jersey.

Taylor Cain Matz:
Hey, I do think he’s coming to the sofa show. So he’ll be around.


Taylor Cain Matz:
Maybe he can wear my Jersey. Thank you!

Well guys, genuinely it has been a pleasure getting to hang out with you this morning. Thank you for, for being gracious enough to travel during a pandemic to come spend some time in St. Louis, we are looking forward to, uh, getting to know your husband a little bit throughout the season and just getting to know you guys better. You’re gonna be back next month for the JOY FM Sofa Concert Series, as I said, that one sold out, but you can still, uh, tune in live that night. Any, any parting words for St. Louis?

Madison Cain Johnson:
Goodbye is not the end!

Logan Cain:
That’s right. We’ll see you soon. Simply thank you. Thank you to you guys. Joy fam, thank you to everybody listening. I mean, we, we marveled about it off air, but we said something and then someone called in because you were listening and it just speaks. So it speaks volumes about you guys and what you’re doing here, that you, you are connected. The ministry that you’re doing that you’re allowing us to be a part of is real and it is connected to this community. And so I feel connected to this community. So thank you JOY FM thank you St. Louis. We feel loved here.

Thank you guys.

Stay Connected to Joy

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