How Do I Trust God When Doubt Feels Stronger?

How Do I Trust God When Doubt Feels Stronger?

Is it okay to love Jesus and still have doubts?

It is perfectly normal to find yourself wrestling with doubts even when you have a deep love for Jesus. How does God feel about your uncertainties? Remember the words to Thomas,

“Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

John 20:27, NIV

This is an invitation to not only recognize that your doubts exist, but go ahead and bring them to God!

Jesus Comes Closer When We Doubt

Thomas could have walked away from his faith or distanced himself from other believers while wrestling with his doubts.

Instead, he chose to show up, doubts in hand!

How kind of Jesus to extend a nail-scarred hand to Thomas. This powerful gesture extends a personal invitation to believe, and this hand still extends to us today.

Jesus meets us where we are, even when we’re wrestling with doubts. That brings so much hope.

God Understands and Answers Our Questions

When you’re doubting, Jesus doesn’t move away from you; He comes closer. He reveals Himself and reminds you of His love. He invites you in and offers peace where there once was doubt. So, come to Jesus today, doubts in hand. Stay close, even in the wrestling. You’ll find that He’s reaching out to you, too, with scars and enough love to embrace your doubting heart.

Practical Steps to Engage with Doubt

The Bible provides us with clear guidance on how to navigate these challenging waters. Engaging with doubt doesn’t mean succumbing to it—instead, it offers an opportunity to deepen our relationship with God.

Here are four practical steps that can help you affirm and strengthen your faith even when uncertainties arise.

  1. Call to Him, and He Has Promised to Answer:
    In times of doubt, directly call out to God, trusting in His promise to respond to those who seek Him sincerely. Scripture reassures us that God is near to all who call on Him in truth, ready to listen and provide guidance.
    “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” (Psalm 145:18)
  2. Meditate on Scripture:
    Regularly reading and meditating on the Bible can fortify your faith and provide answers or peace in times of doubt. The Psalmist writes about the importance of meditating on God’s laws day and night, which brings spiritual stability.
    “But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” (Psalm 1:2)
  3. Reflect on God’s Faithfulness:
    Recall and reflect on instances of God’s faithfulness in your life or in the lives of biblical characters. Remembering God’s past actions can help reinforce trust in His present and future care.
    “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” (Psalm 77:11)
  4. Seek God in Prayer When Feeling Anxious:
    Whenever doubt arises, turning to prayer is a fundamental step. The Bible encourages us to present our requests to God in every situation, including our doubts and fears.
    “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

Powerful Song and Lyrics About Doubt

The song “Never Walk Alone” by Hope Darst is an affirmation that no matter how daunting the path may seem, God’s grace is sufficient, and His faithfulness ensures that we never walk alone. Hear this song and more when you listen to JOY FM!

If I knew then what I know now
I wouldn’t have doubted You
I wish I could tell my younger self just to have faith
There’s so many mountains You’ve moved
Valleys You have led me through
And it’s only by Your grace I’m standing here today

I’m a witness to Your faithfulness in every storm, in every step
Looking back, never once did You let me go
And no matter what the future holds
You’ll work it for my good, I know
You are faithful and I never walk alone

A Prayer For When Doubt Creeps In

“God, I’m here. And so are a few doubts and questions of mine. When answers aren’t findable, will You give me peace of mind and heart? Will You reveal Yourself to me? I want to know You, even if I may never fully understand You. I ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.”

Combat Fear with Encouraging Messages

Imagine… the right words being spoken into your life at the exact right time. Listening to JOY FM gives you that constant reminder about what God thinks about you, and be reminded 24/7 of His love for you. With the JOY FM App, these messages of hope and transformation are always at your fingertips, ready to uplift and inspire you, no matter where you are or what you’re going through.

You can take JOY with you wherever you go by streaming right now by clicking here to listen. Or you can easily bring JOY with you by downloading the JOY FM App.

Combat Fear with Encouraging Messages by Downloading the JOY FM App

What can you expect from listening to JOY FM?

You’re going to hear a lot of great music.  Music with meaning…but you’re still going to want to sing along with the songs.  

You’re going to hear on-air personalities that are real people. Laughing. Having fun. And being honest about life. 

And you’re going to notice that JOY FM leaves you feeling a little better about life in general.  A few minutes of listening should leave you feeling uplifted…encouraged…refreshed…ok, we’ll say it…more JOYful!

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3 months ago

I love listening to Joy fm. When I feel anxious, sad, angry or need to go to to sleep it always makes me feel better