St Louis SC Player, Kyle Hiebert, shares his faith on JOY FM's Morning Show

St Louis SC Player, Kyle Hiebert, shares his faith on JOY FM's Morning Show

St Louis SC Player, Kyle Hiebert, Shares His Faith

There’s a buzz in the air in St. Louis as we get ready to welcome a new soccer club to our city. The opening day is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to cheer them on.

But that’s not the only reason we’re excited about this team. Some of the players have been very open about their faith and how God has impacted their lives. That’s right, folks! God is moving in the lives of these athletes, and we can’t wait to see how it all plays out on the field.

In fact, one of the team’s defenders, Kyle Hiebert, called into the JOY FM Morning Show today to share his faith journey with us. We couldn’t be more thrilled to have such a God-loving team in our city. Grab your jerseys and your noisemakers, and let’s get ready to cheer on this awesome new team!

St Louis SC Player, Kyle Hiebert, Shares His Faith

It was a treat for us to meet some of the players of St. Louis City SC last week, came over here to the studio. One of them, Kyle Hiebert, who is a defender for the team, is joining us by phone now. Kyle, good morning.

Kyle Hiebert:
Morning, Sandi. Thanks for having me on.

Yeah, it’s good to hear from you. We really enjoyed getting to spend some time with you, and we just want St. Louis to have the same experience and get to know you a little bit. Briefly, can you sum up how you ended up in St. Louis?

Yeah, you’re born in Canada. School in Missouri here. What’s your story a little bit?

Kyle Hiebert:
Yeah. I mean, at a young age I started following Jesus, and then in high school I think God realized that things were coming into my life that were becoming the number one thing. When I went off to college, I went to play D1 soccer at Missouri State. I had soccer in my heart as my identity, and I ended up being in college at Missouri State for six and a half years. Because I had two injuries, I missed two years and then a Covid year, so I had three years of bonus time at college, which set me up perfectly for St. Louis City’s second team, which started in the spring of 2022.
It’s fun looking back, knowing that if God wasn’t working through my life, I would’ve never have ended up here in St. Louis. Partway through the year last year with St. Louis CITY2, the second team, I was able to sign a contract with the first team.

Well, we’re going to come back to your belief that God led you here to St. Louis. Before that, though, what’s your thought? I mean, you’ve been in St. Louis for a little bit now. As a player, what does it feel like to you, the launch of this new team, new stadium and everything?

Kyle Hiebert:
Yeah. It’s so cool getting to be a part of it, even getting to be a part of the second team last year, and there was just a buzz for that team. I think we have got the best fans in the whole country. We had 6,000 people come out to the second-team home opener last year. We’re gearing up for our first-team home opener in four days now or three days. You can just feel the tension and the excitement from St. Louis.

Man, and getting that first win under the belt had to feel good. Can you tell us just what’s it like? I have no clue what an average day is like for you, and I don’t think most of our listeners do either. What is the average day for a professional soccer player?

Kyle Hiebert:
Yeah, so right now I’m at home. Probably in about five or ten minutes, I’ll drive in to the facility. They take care of breakfast and lunch, which is really kind of them. We have breakfast, hang around, maybe foam roll or stretch, get the body activated a little bit before we’ll have a meeting, potentially watch a little bit of film, and then we’ll be in the gym. Then right after gym, we’ll practice. We’ll get treatment after practice and lunch, and you’re probably out the door, pending … these last couple weeks have been a little crazier with you have media obligations and different aspects, but I usually leave home around 8:00 AM and can come home around 2:00 PM.

If that’s your normal day. What was the day you guys got your first win on the road in Austin like? What was that day like? Or at least after you won?

Kyle Hiebert:
Yeah, it was just a ton of excitement. I was saying to a lot of people that’s my favorite soccer memory of all time, was that game and that win. Getting the chance to go to one of the best teams in the MLS and show that, hey, we belonged and we could hang with them, and we could fight and scrap and do what it takes to get a win, was big-time.

That’s not your favorite memory of all time. That’s your favorite memory so far.

I was going to say, to be outdone hopefully by this weekend.

Kyle Hiebert:
Yeah. Hopefully we have a new favorite coming in three days, right?

Yeah. We don’t want to take up too much of your time, we know you have to go, but I am curious. As you just talked about how God steered you towards St. Louis, and looking back, you see where He was active and how He got you where you needed to be. How did you deal with the struggle when you had the two injuries you mentioned in there? Where did you feel God was when you were in the midst of all that?

Kyle Hiebert:
Yeah, I’m glad you asked. There’s a verse in Deuteronomy 31:6 where God says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” I could feel, right in the midst of those struggles. Mentally it’s very, very tough, when you’ve come and you’ve left your home and you’ve left your family to play soccer, and then you can’t do what you’ve come to do to play soccer. Just knowing and praying in that time and just feeling God’s presence with me was something that had a huge impact on my faith, and then also on my soccer career as well.

Well, Kyle, I think all of St. Louis is just starting to get a glimpse of not only you on the field, but who you are as a man and a man of God, and the same for us here. As we said when you were sitting across the table from us, let’s do some life together, right? Let’s celebrate all the reasons why God may have you and other strong believers on the field there. We’re going to be cheering you on for victories, again, on and off the field. Thank you for sharing some of your life with us, and we too believe that God has you here for many reasons, and we look forward to seeing some of those unfold.

Kyle Hiebert:
Oh, man. Thank you very much, Sandi. It was great meeting you and Nick and the whole team last week.

Well, thanks again for taking time this morning. Have a great day today. Thanks for telling us what that day looks like, and we cannot wait to see you guys take on Charlotte this Saturday.

Hey, if you’re getting into the car, Kyle, we’ve got one of your favorite bands, Shane & Shane. We’re going to play a song for you here, “You’ve Already Won”. Take that however you want to take it, Kyle.

Man, what a great title.

God bless you, Kyle.

Kyle Hiebert:
Excellent transition, guys. Thank you.

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