An Anchor For Your Soul. Peace For Your Mind.

An Anchor For Your Soul. Peace For Your Mind.

 When life feels really unsettled, where do you turn? When you’re disappointed or broken hearted, where do you find peace?

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”
Hebrews 6:19

I’ve noticed that the times I feel the most unsettled are when I place my confidence in myself or in an outcome. Disappointment always follows. But when my hope is in Jesus, it brings peace. Contentment. A knowing that He is control. I draw strength from His presence. And confidence from His faithfulness. 

If your soul is unsettled, and you’re longing for peace, put your hope in Jesus. You can trust Him. He conquered the grave. And is the anchor for your life today and for eternity. – Sandi