Be Still Before The Lord And Wait Patiently For Him

Be Still Before The Lord And Wait Patiently For Him

 Is there anything good about waiting? Perhaps more than we realize.

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.”  Psalm 37:7

Hard.  Harder.  Hardest.  Be still.  Wait.  Patiently.  

I’m not good at any of those.  And God knows that about me (and you.) So why does He invite us to be still and wait? Because He knows that it is good for us. It isn’t idle time. It bears fruit.  

Pausing in His presence.

Trusting His plan.  

Waiting for Him.  Trusting that He will either move the mountain or move in our hearts.  

Maybe you’re in need of a reset as you wait. It isn’t wasted time. It is a season to allow God to work IN you. Patiently, confidently trusting Him in the waiting.  – Sandi