Do Not Be Afraid…The Lord Is At Your Side

Do Not Be Afraid…The Lord Is At Your Side

 Fear vs. Faith. It feels like a constant battle in my mind. If you can relate, this verse is for you too. 

“Do not be afraid of sudden panic (or disaster)…for the Lord will be your confidence (at your side) and will keep your foot from being caught.”
Proverbs 3:25-26

If I’m being honest, my trust in God isn’t always firm. I have no problem believing who He is. But I can veer to a “hope so” mentality pretty quickly. I “hope” God gives me the outcome that I want, instead of having confidence that God will work for my good and His glory. Can you relate?

I need this reminder and perhaps you do as well. God is trustworthy. Every time. He isn’t predictable. Sometimes the outcome we see isn’t what we prayed for. His ways aren’t always understood. But He is faithful. If that is true, then we have no reason to fear. Remind your worry and anxiety that God is with you. He is faithful. And He is your confidence.  – Sandi 

