Heaven Is Worth The Wait And The Hope

Heaven Is Worth The Wait And The Hope

 Heaven is worth the wait. And the hope.

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain… I am making everything new…It is done.” Revelation 21:4-6

We have no real concept of heaven because we live in a world with suffering and evil. But can you dare to imagine and hope that God’s promises are real? And that heaven is for you?  

No more injustice. Pain. Temptation. Loss. No longing. Or regret. You will be with Jesus. Made whole. Everyone and everything made right. Hope fulfilled. 

That is worth waiting for. Hold on. Keep hoping. Because your story isn’t over yet. And God’s plan isn’t finished yet. Heaven is real. Your hope is well placed. Hold on. –Sandi