Hold On. The Lord Is With You.

Hold On. The Lord Is With You.

 If you feel alone, overwhelmed, or mistreated, this reminder is for you. The Lord God Almighty is with you. Right. Now. 

“The Lord was with him.” Genesis 39:2, 21, 23

Joseph’s life was full of unexpected turns. He was rejected by his brothers. Sold into slavery. Found favor with those in authority. Falsely accused. Imprisoned. Exalted to places of leadership. All throughout his journey, scripture repeatedly says, “The Lord was with him.” Through. It. All. The highs and the lows. The unexpected and the unfair.

Your emotions or circumstances may try to convince you that God is distant. That you’re alone. Misunderstood. Rejected.

But God wants you to know, right now and right here, that He is with you. Always. He sees. He knows. And He isn’t finished with your story. Or His plan.

In the end, Joseph’s life was a story of redemption and restoration. That is the story that God is always writing. 

Hold on. The Lord is with you. – Sandi