I Am Doing A New Thing…I Am Making A Way!

I Am Doing A New Thing…I Am Making A Way!

When life doesn’t make sense are you ever tempted to question God’s presence or care? Do you ever wonder why God isn’t stepping in to do something about the chaos or the confusion?

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:19

I need the reminder that God says, “I am…”  He is doing a new thing. He is making a way. We may not see it or understand, but the promise is that…He is. He doesn’t need to “step in” because He has never stepped away. He is always working. In the chaos. Through your questions. By your side. He is consistently present and accomplishing His good new plans. 

If you feel like you’re in the desert or a place with no hope, He is the waymaker. “I am” is on your side. And He is doing a new thing. – Sandi