I See Jesus In You

I See Jesus In You

 How can you love a God you can’t see? How can you share an invisible God with a skeptical world?

“No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and His love is made complete in us… He has given us His Spirit.”
1 John 4:12-13

I’ve never seen God. But I have experienced His love personally in my own life. And I’ve seen evidence of His love through others that have loved me sacrificially and unconditionally.  

God’s love changes you. His Spirit lives in you. So, your changed life is evidence of an invisible, yet real, God. 

When you forgive. When you put others first. When you are humble. When you love first. 

That’s when the world sees Jesus in you. That is evidence of God’s love working in and through you. 

May God’s Spirit continue to do a good work in our lives. And may His complete love be on display through you and me today. – Sandi