If It’s Too Heavy To Carry, Remember This…

If It’s Too Heavy To Carry, Remember This…

Are you facing something that is beyond your strength to carry? Beyond your ability to fix? I think that sums up most days, don’t you? This is a “go to” verse for me.

“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord.” Zechariah 4:6

It is like God is saying, “I know you can’t do this on your own. You don’t need to exhaust yourself striving and worrying. I’m here. Trust me to do what only I can do.” 

You may be at the end of your rope. But God isn’t. He is God over it all.

Giants fall when His Spirit moves. 

Waters part when His Spirit speaks.

Peace comes when His Spirit is near.

Not by might. Not by power. But by His Spirit. – Sandi