“Jesus With Skin” 

“Jesus With Skin” 

 “Jesus with skin.”  A friend used that expression and it stuck with me. Her point was that God is the only source of true comfort. But sometimes, a hug sure feels good. Especially from someone who understands your pain.     

“The God of all comfort, comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort that we have received from God.” 
2 Corinthians 1:3-4

If you have ever been comforted by Jesus, then you will likely be put in a position to comfort someone else.  You are uniquely “qualified” to understand their pain. God has comforted you in your pain… and one of the reasons is so that you share it. 

There is such much peace and comfort found in His presence. If you have experienced it, be ready to share it. A hug from you will feel like “Jesus with skin”. – Sandi