Kindness Is Therapy For An Anxious Heart

Kindness Is Therapy For An Anxious Heart

Has anxiety ever won the battle in your mind? One simple anxious thought turned into a wildfire of emotion and stress? Has one kind word ever changed your mood? Meant more to you than anyone else would ever understand? 

“An anxious heart weighs a person down, but a kind word cheers a person up.” Proverbs 12:25

Two profound truths:

Anxiety is a heavy burden to carry.

Encouragement is life-giving to the soul.

We’ve all been there. We’re anxious. We feel the weight. A kind word is spoken and the load seems lighter. 

God is inviting you to be mindful of who He puts in your path today. Share a kind word. Show grace. It just may be the cure for their anxious heart. And it will lift your spirits as well. – Sandi