No.Thing. Is Too Difficult For Him

No.Thing. Is Too Difficult For Him

  Nothing.  It is a powerful word.  No. Thing.  If you’re facing a struggle and you think there’s nothing God can do about it, remember this:

“…You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17

There’s nothing that can come at you today that puzzles God or diminishes His power.  There is nothing that will catch Him off guard. Confuse Him. Surprise Him. There is nothing that you are facing or worrying about that is too difficult for Him. Including the struggles. The loss. The fear. Every bit of the really hard stuff.  

The same arm that reached out to make the heavens and earth is outstretched to you today. You can trust His power and love. No thing is beyond God’s ability to work and provide.  – Sandi