Minute In The Word

Need Wisdom? 

  I know a lot of smart people.  But I’ve found that knowledge is not the same as wisdom. Information does not equal insight.“If… Read More

Are You Tired Or Depleted?

 I read something the other day about the difference between being “tired” and being “depleted.” One is fixed with rest and sleep.  The… Read More

I Need You, God!

  “It has been days since I’ve prayed.”  Have you ever had that realization?  I have. I don’t intentionally “ignore” God. But the busyness… Read More

You Are Who You Follow

 Who are you?  Sounds like a simple question until you meet Jesus.  Have you noticed that not one person in scripture that met… Read More

How Did I Get Here?

 Ever find yourself somewhere you don’t want to be?  Someplace you didn’t ask for, isn’t fair and is really difficult?  Me too.  And… Read More

Wise Friends

I’m not who I was in high school.  There are a lot of reasons for that…..but 2 stand out:  1. Jesus   2. Who… Read More