Minute In The Word

God Can Use It All

What’s the point?  I’ve thought that every time suffering comes my way.  I’ve even thought, “If God is good, why does He allow… Read More

I Hope, So…

 I was taken aback by her question, “What is hope?” I needed a second to gather my thoughts. To stall, I asked her… Read More

When Temptation Calls

 The enemy knows my weaknesses.  Yours too.  And that is where he likes to poke, prod, and tempt.  He knows that Jesus has… Read More

A Grace Lesson

 I remember trying to teach my young kids about “grace.”  The discussion always followed them getting into trouble and getting “grounded” from TV… Read More

Nothing To Fear

 Sometimes life feels crazy and overwhelming. The struggles are big.  Our faith seems small.  Then, there is this game-changing truth:“The Lord Himself goes… Read More

He Is Fighting For You

 God is fighting for you today.  There are several times in scripture that God reminds His people that they don’t walk into battle… Read More