Minute In The Word

Have You Forgotten God?

 Have you forgotten who God is?  I don’t intentionally forget.  But the urgency of today tends to overshadow the authority of God all… Read More

Fan Into Flame

 There were times in my life that the “fire” inside of me was not burning all that vibrantly. Maybe you can relate. On… Read More

Unexpected Fingerprints

  God rarely works in the way that I expect.  When that happens, which is often, I’m learning that I have two choices:  lean… Read More

Give God Thanks, Whatever

  I used to have a “compartmentalized” view of life. Worship is singing. Work is not spiritual. Prayer is when you’re eyes are closed. Read More

He Is Fighting For You

 God is fighting for you today.  There are several times in scripture that God reminds His people that they don’t walk into battle… Read More

A Glimpse Of Jesus

 Can you imagine what our world would look like if we would:“Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience…Forgive as the Lord… Read More

He Will

 I have a zillion questions about a million different things.  But of this one fact, I am certain:“My God will meet all your… Read More

You Can Do “This!”

 You can do this!  What is the “this?”  It doesn’t matter.  Here’s proof:“I have learned the secret of being content in any and… Read More

Craving More Peace?

 I crave more peace in my life.  If you do as well, maybe this verse will be helpful and a tad bit convicting.“Whatever… Read More