Minute In The Word

I Will Be Found By You

Hide and seek is fun…unless you’re playing it with God.  Sometimes I hide from Him.  And sometimes I feel like He’s hiding from… Read More

Be Joyful In Hope

Are you a “to do” list kind of person or not?  I like them because they keep me on task at work.  At… Read More

Numb No More

 I remember hesitantly asking a friend, “Do you ever feel numb about life, work and sometimes even God?” It isn’t that you feel… Read More

Together. Period.

 I was having lunch with a friend recently and I said, “I want you to know that NOTHING will ever threaten our friendship. … Read More

He Knew You When

 Do you know that you don’t have to earn God’s love?  He has loved you before you were even aware of Him.  He… Read More

I Surrender All

What does God want from you? Everything.  That may sound a bit jarring until you realize that He desires the same from you… Read More

God Can’t Wait

God can’t wait.  You know that glazed over look in someone’s eyes when they’re just not interested in what you have to say? … Read More

What Is Your Song?

 Let your heart go there today.  Thankfulness.  Life is heavy and there’s probably a lot weighing you down (no pun intended today).  But,… Read More