Minute In The Word

The One

God is always looking for the one. The one who doesn’t know Him. The one who is broken hearted. The one who is feeling alone… Read More

Seek, Love, Walk

I love “to do” lists. If you do too, then here is a lofty but important one for us today: “What does the Lord require… Read More

He Is

Life isn’t “fair.” It seems like it should be, but we all have life experiences that prove otherwise. This broken world is full of injustice,… Read More

He’s Ready

“I’ve blown it.” We all know that sinking feeling. We have regret. We wish we could get a “do over.” We hear from a lot… Read More

Just Pray

Praying is such a personal thing. Honestly, I struggle when praying with others. I’m not embarrassed to pray. I struggle with focusing on what THEY… Read More


Has God ever met you in the middle of your pain? He has met me there. Looking back on some painful times, here’s what I’ve… Read More

Child of God

I remember working in radio when I got married and my name changed. I was no longer Sandi Shadowens. I was now, Sandi Brown. A… Read More

God Sees You

I think many of us struggle with feeling insignificant. Or small. Or unimportant. We can point out others who are important and significant but we… Read More


I admire people who routinely bite their tongues. Those who don’t have to defend their position or fight to be right. I admire people who… Read More

His Time. His Plan.

You are not an afterthought to God. Just as God carefully, deliberately, intentionally orchestrated all of Creation…..He has designs and plans for you as well. Read More

Be Joyful

Some of the most hopeful, joyful people I’ve ever met are in the most seemingly hopeless situations. Have you met people like that? Their joy… Read More