Minute In The Word


You’re probably facing things TODAY that you could have never imagined 2 months ago. This world seemed to get really big and scary instantly, didn’t… Read More

He Is For You

As a redheaded, freckled face little kid, I was kidded a lot. But, I had a secret weapon….my older brother. The same boys that would… Read More

In His Time. In His Way.

God is working good in your life today. That’s not just wishful thinking. You have His Word on it! “In ALL things, God works for… Read More

Work in Progress

You are a work in progress…..we all are! And here’s even more good news, the work is being done from the inside out by the… Read More

Speak Truth

I often hear a voice in my head that is negative, accusing and condemning. What I’ve come to realize is that is not the voice… Read More

Christ Died For You

How would you describe yourself on your “worst” days? We all have moments or seasons where we’re just not that lovable. We’re selfish, unkind, prideful….I… Read More

The Lord Is With You

When I was on my sabbatical, I spent a lot of time reading the Psalms. Why? Because I can relate to the fear, anxiety and… Read More


Why does God allow suffering? Why would a good God allow bad things to happen? Maybe you’ve had those thoughts as well? I don’t have… Read More

That’s Faith

The hard part of having faith is that it requires trust when you can’t see. And I like to see it before I believe it!… Read More

Faith On Display

Before an unbeliever will listen to what you say, they watch how you live. Especially how you navigate being “squeezed” by the tough stuff of… Read More


Unstoppable. God cannot be thwarted, slowed down, derailed, or stopped. That truth is not changed by our circumstances or the world around us. “…If it… Read More

I will hope

An area that I’m trying to grow in is to be a better leader……of myself. I want to lead my thoughts and my actions in… Read More